the story of the pengemba that is rarely encountered

in #life7 years ago

When I was a kid, when I went to elementary school I often goats with friends. Around the 1980s shepherding activities in my village were mostly done by my age at that time after coming home from school. Most of us are shepherd goats type wedus gembel the goat is dreadlocks.


Beginning in the early 1990 the herding activities of the cattle were rarely seen. What else in early 2000 in the villages I have rarely encountered children who shepherd goats or other cattle. Perhaps this is an improvement, on the one hand the economy in the village is getting better, but on the other hand maybe the children of today are no longer willing to shepherd cattle. They reasoned prestige or embarrassed when shepherded cattle.


Some of the kids I met claimed to be more interested in online gaming than livestock grazing. For those playing online games more fun. In addition, also prefer to surf in cyberspace on friendship sites such as facebook social networking.

Indeed, the current era has changed, not hanging out if you do not have facebook. The activities of herding cattle rated by children are now outdated. Only the old adults who still keep herding cattle.

While I was taking a walk in the rice fields in Klaten, Central Java I was very interested in the duck herders. The man who shepherded is no longer a child, he is already in his 50s. The father who was herding the duck was driving away so his cattle would not come out of line. I am very interested in seeing this scene. Equipment brought very simple, only a long bamboo about 3 meters with the ends are given tassels from the raffia rope. Bamboo was to organize livestock to walk on the road he wanted.

Ducks are shepherded on rice fields that have been harvested. The rest of the rice that fall into food for the ducks earlier. In addition, small frogs and eels are also a delicious meal for ducks.

Ducks are usually shepherded in the morning until noon.

by @bergek
location of indonesia

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