Witches, Past Lives, and Recurring Dreams: A True Story

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Special thanks to @wandrnrose7 for inspiring this extemporaneous writing with her post: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@wandrnrose7/mara-s-tale-day-137-5-minute-freewrite


Witches, Past Lives, and Recurring Dreams: A True Story

Once upon a time, many years ago, I gave a tarot reading to a fellow student from my school. The woman I was reading for seemed very anxious to hear what the cards would say, but all I could see, when I looked at the spread before me, was that she had been burned alive as a witch in a past life, and that these events were affecting her in present day.

This sounded crazy, so I resisted telling it to her. I tried to make the reading about something else, anything else. I talked in generalizations, trying to find some other meaning, but the more I tried to think of something else to say, the more insistent the initial interpretation became. Eventually, pretty quickly actually, my voice ran down and I fell silent. I sat there, staring at the cards, embarrassed. Then I looked up at her and said: "I'm sorry. I want to give you a good reading, but all I can see is that you were burned at the stake as a witch, and that the memory of it is affecting you. It's probably not anything you can relate to, so I apologize for even bringing it up. It's just it's all I can see for some reason."

The woman's whole face lit up "Thank you!" she said. "For the past couple of weeks I've been having these recurring dreams of being burned alive. I haven't been able to shake them, and they've been horrifying. They've seemed so real that I've wondered what they were really about, if they actually were memories or just dreams, that's the reason I wanted a reading. Thank you for telling me!"

True story.


©2018 Bennett Italia, all rights reserved.



Wow @bennettitalia.
The woman might have had dream about that, maybe she was'nt sure of the dream, she thought it was just a mere dream, hearing from a friend was enough to convince her.
Observation: although you tried resisting to tell her that, I guess you were'nt comfortable.
Conclusion; we should try to be real to our friends irrespective of the situation. ion


What a word ! Love how I learn new words on this site all the time, haha.

That's an interesting story, odd how things work out sometimes. How we can perceive something as bad that might be good to others.

Have a grand day ! :)

Exactly, I was withholding the very information she was looking for! Hope you have an awesome day as well, @lorddominik007 :)

Funny how you help someone without even realizing.
I've done some Tarot readings in my time, but never got such a...creepy result.

Ha! Right? This one was weird :)

True story? :/

How do tarot readings work?

If your intentions are pure, and you say a prayer before laying out the cards, they work like any other tool: for the highest good of the one receiving the reading. If, on the other hand, you're sloppy about your intentions... you can get all kinds of results, potentially damaging to both people involved. As with any tool, the "how" isn't as important as the "why" ;)

Those of us who are very highly psychic and intuitive (this is a real thing, I could tell you stories...) need tools to channel our experiences productively. Tarot can be such a tool, although its use easily corrupts if the user isn't careful.

The woman I did the reading for was African-American, but the lifetime that was haunting her was clearly European. The genetic memory of atrocities continues for generations indefinitely, until healed. I believe that she was trying to heal it.

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Wow, pretty interesting! It seems too much of a coincidence to be luck. How do you read tarot?

Sorry to be so late responding @cryptosharon, been swamped IRL...

Have you ever done Tarot before? It's fun, once you start to get the hang of it. I've been doing it since I was like 18, somebody taught me and I bought a deck and I've just always had them around since then. Basically, each card has a series of meanings, all centered around a core metaphor. Once you get the metaphor, you can kind of see the "soul" of the card anytime it pops up. In a reading, you use many cards, and the positions of the cards in the spread and in relation to each other affect their meanings. The metaphors associated with each card are multilayered and flexible in their application, so that the card will speak something specific to you in the context of the reading even though there are multiple possible interpretations. And then your own psychic abilities come into play, triggered by the images. It's a complex art form. In the story I related above, I was definitely picking up on a lot of that psychically.

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