Flat Earth Theory: Why are people so passionate about this?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


We all know that sometimes the truth can be stranger than fiction, but what is up with the immense support for a flat earth?

It was not until today that I started looking at the "scientific defense" for a flat earth. My mind was blown. I had always thought that the flat earth theory was a blind rebellion (typically by Christians) to expose a "deception" by scientists attempting to lure the world away from believing in God. The same thing can be said about the evolution and extinction of dinosaurs. The premise of of these counter arguments of "science" is that there is an underlying agenda in the governments of the world to blind people. I had always known about the evolution debate, but this flat earth thing really took me by surprise.


I am by no means taking the side of the flat earth theory. I still believe the Earth is round and that gravity explains how everything is contained. Having said that, I think it is important to analyze just how important this debate is. Here are some reasons:

1. The scientific evidence for a flat earth seems plausible.

You might think I'm crazy, but I actually read a ton of material, including experiments done historically that prove a flat earth. What concerns me is that people have "discovered" tons of evidence. These people are typically not Bible thumpers, they are
actually convinced that the Earth is flat due to their studies. Sailors and explorers are the most common defenders of this


This is important in light of the next reason.

2. The scientific evidence for a round earth is plausible.

We have all been taught through various means that the Earth is flat just like the stars and planets we observe in the heavens. There is overwhelming evidence for this theory. Not only that, but we have been shown maps, images, diagrams, satellite photography that appears to describe perfectly what the round earth looks like. Physics supports the existence of spherical objects in space, so it only makes sense that the place we live in is also a sphere.


3. The amount of people who believe the flat earth theory is increasing.

This is what concerns me. There is increasing support for the flat earth, and a lot of it is flooded with enough "conspiracy" theory to make anyone want to scoff, laugh and look away. It just seems like an absolutely ridiculous claim. So why are people still so passionate about it?

4. If the debate has begun, it must end.

This is why I think this debate is important. If there is absolute evidence that the earth is spherical, the debate should have ended a long time ago. So why is it still happening? I believe we simply need more evidence in the form of images and live footage to convince people that the earth is not flat. Yet, the controversy of the moon landing, and images shown from space are a separate but absolutely related issues that has caused people to question the willingness to show proof of what is real as opposed to what is convenient to show. Again, I am not a proponent of the flat earth theory, but it is an extremely interesting debate on both ends.


If any of you are flat earth proponents, I would love to hear what you think. I already have enough evidence to accept a round earth, but this topic has sparked my interest in a huge way due to the fantastical and bizarre nature of it.

Thank you.


First let me state that I am neither a flat-earther or globe-earther at this point. I am open to further proof either way. That being said, a number of the flat earth guys that I have listened to are super smart and incredibly well researched and informed. What they all call out regularly are serious anomalies in the theories and stories that we have been told since birth. Theories that according to rock solid empirical evidence can't be proven from the face of the Earth itself. This means that anything we think we know about the Earth model is based upon trust from an authority.

What most people are really afraid of when they talk shit about the flat-earthers is that they might find out that they have been so f**king lied to their entire lives that their whole basis of reality may be bullshit. This is my hypothesis as to why most are so afraid to admit that the flat-earthers have some incredibly legitimate points. You can disagree with them for sure, but if anyone just writes off their evidence, it's being both incredibly biased and ignorant. Unfortunately, our society relies upon this indoctrinated ignorance these days in order to keep the sheeple in full control.

Why people are so passionate about it is simple. If it's true, it's probably the biggest f**king coverup the world has seen. 911 is small beans next to this. However since most people still haven't even wrapped their heads around what really happened on 911, they can't go anywhere near this topic unless they're willing to let their heads implode from the sheer scope of what this level of coverup would really mean.

I am so on board with you. I am still of the opinion that a verdict has not been reached because there is a battle happening for reasons beyond what we know.

It's a battle for the minds of the masses. There is so much planted deception out there that unless you are really perceptive and persistent, you have no chance of knowing who to really trust. For example, just have a look at my recent articles 1-4 on Luciferian symbolism in the cryptocurrencies. Most people will blow them off because everybody that's involved in cryptos wants to become a millionaire with them. This would make them feel conflicted and who wants that?.. Well, just people that actually want to know the truth more than anything else. That's not the typical person. Congratulations that you are not one of typical ones as well.

Very interesting concept... I'll have to look into this a little more, but as of now, I definitely believe the earth is round!

It's definetely weird that so many defend a flat earth theory. At the same time many ppl belive in crazy conspiracy theories. Flat earth would definetely be hard to conceal for the world.

Conspiracy theory Is a term coined by the CIA ( which Is Rothschild & Jesuit run ) to discredit anyone who questioned the JFK assassination.

No, there has always been theories on how things "really" are and who's in control.

Believing in a conspiracy theory is ok. But some of the theories are too far fetched to believe. Flat earth is one of them.

It Is a fact who Is In control, we can follow the Maratime Admiralty Law right back to the IMF, UN, Rothschild's and Jesuit Vatican the same criminal freemasons that gave you your religions, financial, law, education and science.

Flat Earth Is not a theory It Is what we observe and can measure, whether there Is something else going on Is a different matter. Bodies of water always find their own level and do not curve. A Nikon p900 can visibly show how our eyes are very limited and we see to a vanishing point even cameras have a limit. With a zoom camera we can see Islands and mountains over 100 miles of water away, they should be completely covered by the supposed curvature. There Is supposed to be 8 Inches of curvature per mile squared. We must also realize that the current Flat Earth map being shown Is not correct North America and Africa are bigger.

Outer Space, Heliocentric model Is a Jesuit created fiction, It Is not based on reality, as the great Nikola Tesla stated on many occasions. We have been lied to on a scale too large for most people to comprehend. I have only realized the globe model Is false for the last two months, It was a fight to wrap my head around this.

Go on a long distance flight. You'll see the curve.

Also at see, ships will occour from mast and down from a distance.

Why would anybody even lie about it?

I've been on planes, no curve, although the windows on most commercial planes do give a slight distortion. The Earth Is flat and the horizon always rises to eye level. This Is a control system we live In a lie system run by Freemasons. We do not live on a ball.


Very good article man. Thanks for sharing

Density Is the Truth.

Ohh I first time reading about flat earth!! I really don't knw about it!! So I can't give opinion on that!! But it's really knowledgable post!! Thanks for sharing with us @benjibergian!!

Yesterday at the lunch time we (few of my friends) had this discussion. Conclusion was "we don't know" lol :D We know earth is not a plat object, but due to the power of gravity we feel we are in a plat.

Thanks for sharing this nice post with great facts! It remembered me the last day discussion :D


some people think a lot about it

That's because some people think, just unfortunately far too few..


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