I don't buy Apple products and I never will

in #life2 years ago

Recently Apple has threatened Twitter with removing their app from the app store if Twitter continues to reinstate previously banned accounts. Apple is playing politics here with this of course and it was recently pointed out that Apple political contributions are nearly 98% for Democrat candidates. Therefore, it is pretty easy to see why it is that Apple would have a problem with conservative voices being reinstated to the platform.

It's all very upsetting to me that people would be trying to police speech at all on the internet because you always have the choice to not listen to it. This idea that certain opinions need to be squashed and silenced is a very dangerous path to go down because I can't really understand the mind of someone that thinks that differing opinions should simply NOT BE ALLOWED. That's crazy talk man!


My lack of Apple products in my life wasn't spurned on by any sort of Twitter nonsense though, that is for sure. I have never been a consumer of Apple products because I think they are overpriced. They aren't necessarily expensive but they are overpriced. They also are a quasi monopoly in that once you get an Apple product you are restricted to whatever only they decide you are going to have access to. Sure there are probably some people out there that can jailbreak these things so that you can do what you want with them, but for the most part just being able to do what you want on an Apple device is not something that can be done for the average user.

I remember someone once gave me an Ipad. I got so frustrated with how damn near impossible it was to transfer anything to or from the damn thing that I just ended up giving it back to the person who gave it to me.


Do you remember when Apple released a screen stand that costs a mere $999? That was such a ridiculous proposition that I thought for sure it was an Onion or Babylon Bee article but nope, this was a real product and they ended up selling thousands of them as well. I think if I went over to a friend's house and they had one of those things that I would probably really need to reevaluate if I need someone this stupid in my life.

Another thing I have noticed about Apple product users is that they almost seems as though they are part of a cult with their devotion to the various Apple products. Why on Earth would anyone pay $200 for wireless headphones when this is a very common thing and alternative products made by someone else will not only cost less, but they are going to potentially be better quality.

I don't buy expensive phones but once again there was a time that someone gave me an Iphone. I was excited about this but after days of not being able to figure out how to navigate in the damn thing I retired it to a drawer in my house before eventually throwing it out at a later date.

One of the main things I like about Android is that there is tons of competition to keep the various manufacturers honest. Don't like what Samsung is charging for their latest phone? No problem... there are dozens of other companies that produce similar products that function in almost exactly the same way. There is no cult-like element to various Android-based cell phone companies either... at least none that I have ever noticed.

I was never going to buy Apple stuff anyway but if they continue to try to coerce or bully other companies to bending to their will in what is obviously politically-motivated decisions, I hope that there are enough people out there that will decide to walk away from them as well. in the meantime, I kind of find the people that buy literally anything that Apple makes, to be kind of nuts


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