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RE: but I want it?

in #life6 years ago

hiya, I have sat and had a good think, I do think steem is a good concept as far as I understand it, however I am still unsure if it is a good fit for me, today after your earlier comment I felt rather unsettled about my adventure here, the implied rules ruined the fun for me I am the first to accept I misunderstand and nothing about steem has been clear, I know that your comment made me feel like finding another platform, whilst I respect your opinion and your time in further communicating with me I do not respond well to communication that begins with a negative, I also do not feel at all comfortable with the perceived voting system, not a good fit for me at all, I do not respond well to having to fit in with accepted norms when I was labouring under the impression I was free to vote resteem as I please, in fact today I resteemed without voting, seriously lost all confidence in the voting system, I also have no desire for anyone to follow me if they do not want to, the choice to follow is not mine to say and I attach no significance in whether someone follows me, I have no desire to have a following or cultivate an audience, I like communicating, if it's positive, I appreciate all of us resonate at differing frequencies and I respect that, I respect that for you and many others this is a great place and I wish much success for both the platform and those who support it, I remain undecided as to whether to continue my presence here, I do appreciate your genuine interest and your kind words it's more a case of I don't respond well to restrictions, to me it feels like I found a shiney new toy yet when I went to play with it the instructions left me with no toy to play with, doesn't mean the toy isn't great just means I will find a new toy I can actually enjoy, I appreciate the possibilities in this application, and their attractiveness to others, perhaps if they change the voting system, perhaps if other concepts change who knows, for now I really liked an idea in a post I saw earlier about music, I am in the process of deciding whether or not to do a post on that or the other ten posts I was working on, all I have written so far has been a gentle introduction to my existence, as it is a complicated and has often been a surreal experience I have found it is better to reveal only a little and see the response I get, so far I am not confident my way of communication has a place here, maybe the music will help, it often does, my respect to you and my hopes are for your personal peace in your life along with much success in all you want to achieve, I hope you have an excellent evening


one of the great things here is the freedom to do what you want . There are no rules to what or how you run your Blog . how one defines Success is different for each and every one of use . What works for one may not work for another . We each have to find our own way in our own time .
I do know and respect the people who vote to say hello and a support tool . nothing wrong with that . Also people who only resteem and never make a post of their own . They are content and enjoy what they are doing , That's great . I try and assist in giving real answers to questions . To many opinions not based it facts . I hope that you give this some time for a proper understanding .

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