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RE: Teardrops on my keyboard

in #life6 years ago

Oh my goodness you have brought me to tears... again! My heart swells when I read your words. Although we have never met, I feel proud of your strength just from trying to understand how hard you must be fighting against that fear setting in. It is so hard to try to walk in another persons shoes, but you are so open and honest about your feelings and fears that it is hard not to feel them along with you.
As always, I continue to send positive thoughts and distance healing to you, Carey and your tribe. BB xx


Thank you my dear friend for being able to connect at such a spiritual level with me and my work. It means a great deal to hear from you and to hear how deeply connected you are with me. I do indeed feel the support, prayers and healing energy that is being sent even from the other side of the planet. Spirit transcends the physical and I very much value and appreciate the spiritual connection that we have made as we share deeply and connect in ways that most people find foreign. Peace to you my dear sister.

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