Seeking Personal Value

in #life6 years ago (edited)

FANTASY - Green Valley WEB.jpg

“There is nothing insignificant in the world. It all depends on the point of view.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Man is a rational being… at least potentially. It’s a natural function of the mind to evaluate experiences and draw conclusions. This process is laden with variables, however, and core amongst them is the perspective from which we embark upon the endeavor. Much can be garnered - even from the most unlikely sources - if we approach our investigation from the perspective of seeking personal value.

When confronted with new information (or retracing our steps over old ground), are we allowing preconceived notions to block the path to a potential benefit? Preconceived notions are not inherently bad (depending on how those notions were established in the first place), but there’s a tendency to want to establish a “Yea or Nay” position on certain ideas, and this can often lead to both baby and bath water being discarded in a single reckless toss.

Religion, politics, history, art… these are subjects hotly debated, and often divisive; and though we may have a carefully-considered perspective concerning our views, does this mean there is nothing to be gained from opposing ideas? It’s said that even a broken clock is right twice a day, and truth may pass the lips of both beggar and king. We needn’t agree with everything a person says to find wisdom in one of their quotes; and we needn’t wholly adopt an ideology to embrace one of its tenets.

Coming at a subject from the perspective of seeking personal value can reveal hidden treasure amidst a heap of broken trash. It can provide a friendly moment between bitter intellectual enemies. It broadens the scope of opportunity for us to learn and grow, and it sharpens our awareness as we seek amidst the rubble with a keener eye.

Whether it be a handy phrase plucked from a rubbish novel, a useful metaphor in the actions of a deplorable scoundrel, or a profound life lesson gleaned from a ludicrous cartoon, seeking personal value in unlikely places will open our minds to new fields of fertile possibility and enrich our thinking by increasing our intellectual vocabulary. Plus, it’s a great way to not fall asleep at the ballet.

“For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.” - New American Standard Bible (1977)

--Artwork by Jason Coates--

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