The Flu Epidemic

in #life7 years ago

In more good news, multiple school districts have closed and hospitals have run out of beds. We are talking people being placed in halls and some parts of America looking like Asia with the face masks. I am one of the ones wearing a mask and give two figs if me avoiding a plague makes me look OCD...shrugs
funny thing is the flu vaccine is basically ineffective against this strain with most stats showing at best maybe a 10% protection rate. I personally think the flu vaccine is pretty much a useless cointoss and wouldn't ever get one again as it actually gave me the flu which they claim it can't ...cough, bullshit!

Common surfaces to Disinfect that get overlooked

doorknobs, remote controls, light switches, refrigerator doors, disinfecting hands after handling money or pushing in your pin number, actual soap dispensers and paper towel dispensers , EVERYTHING!!! ahhhhh

Thyme is a natural disinfectant as is Tea Tree Oil and a variety of blends. Sometimes though in times like these I buy a damn mask if going out in a city full of snot rockets flying and use Lysol and Germ X Hand Sanitizer that smells like crappy Vodka.
Stay Well Steemians!
(Getty, Seattlemamadocmap,washyourdamnhandsandcoveryoursneezesdumbass)


Lucky for me I live in MT hehehe

ha ha, well good for you ;)

lol @snot rockets..oh how fitting this term is for the multitudes that drag their ill progeny through the lanes at Walmart. Most of us are wearing gloves to cash out customers now..masks wouldn't be a bad idea! Stay healthy :)

funny reply and true, yeahhhh gloves , though if you could just get paid to sit out the flu plague that would be even better.... people are looking at others out in public visibly sick with disdain, will admit I do that. Like, thanks asshole for not even covering your face with a flu killing droves, grrrr

Yep, I would definitely like to sit it out. I don't just wanna cuss them out for not covering their face, but more like I wanna run up and toss a plastic bag over their head lmao. Must've been brutal in medieval times .

It has been all over here lately. I have just been burning all the good essential oils and I have decided the sickness can only make me stronger, but I have yet to get it yet. I have even heard stories of people dying from pneumonia lately which is intense.. and to top it all off I'm in a state thats not red on that map, I'm sure they are all worse off

pretty bad in some areas, I use hand sanitizer so much I smell like Ketel One

I'm a teacher. My poor students are dropping like flies with this flu. Major disinfecting going on.

it's overwhelmed the system, glad u r well, going to go eat five oranges now O.o

In the UK we have had a particularly harsh strain of Australian flu - don't ask me how that works must be some sort of pay back system. My personal plan is to avoid the antibacterial gels and just go for a few bottles of cheap Vodka, great for stripping the paint off old woodwork, sanitising everything (as long as you avoid naked flames near it - that can be pretty brutal) and a quick snort up each nostril ensures you never care about anything ever again.

Thanks for this post . I think I said hello to some type of funny virus . Just got over it . The body is beyond amazing if you let it do what it does naturally . ❤️❤️


Getting the flu can actually be healthy... it attacks the weaker cells and then your immune system destroys them to get rid of the virus.

So you are, in a way, cleaning your body of flawed or weak cells... once per year it is healthy to catch the flu.

Unless you die.

Florida is pretty bad right now. We just had a kid die here locally from the flu. I just picked up a box of Tamiflu...

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