Resting B***h Face Syndrome...the struggle is real!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have an intense stare and think too much. I can not force a canned and fake smile even if I wanted to. Other people I know with strong gazes and not blowing smoke up your ass with a fake grin get accused of being either "Mysterious and Deep", or having "Resting Bitch Face Syndrome".

For me it is about authenticity and am very NOT apologetic that a lot of times I am juggling many things and am thinking or analyzing a situation. The infamous Myers-Briggs INTJ personality type is famous for this gaze by the way ;). Our cutting stare can simply mean we see things for what we think they are, not whatever "game" someone may be attempting to run on us.

INTJ Women especially are a rare breed. We are approx. .08% of the human population and pretty much I am convinced all of us are on steemit on a consistent basis.


  • Here is my brand new selfie I stuck a filter called "blue" on that I took from my super fancy Net 10 phone from Wal-Mart.

It does show you how this affliction is a real First World Problem and we should learn to accept each other regardless if we are told our eyes look like they can shoot out laser beams.



Do you also struggle with this? Feel free to drop a Selfie below to raise awareness on Resting Bitch Face Syndrome or....RBFS
for the layman or laywoman


the upside


am on discord under battleaxe and am often on steemspeak or floating around like blogging blobfish


Some conditions can only be solved by a heavy dose of peanut butter jelly sandwiches @battleaxe )

oh well there must be some way of bringing a smile to your face @battleaxe !

And/Or Dark Chocolate and Honey...handful of cashews wouldn't hurt either.....

Thank you Kindly

YES! I totally have this! I notice it so much when someone else takes a photo of me and then when I have them retake it I find myself having to forcefully raise my eyebrows. Haha The Struggle Is So Real

hehehehehe, so creepy ....I dig it
yes the struggle is real indeed

Me when I try to fake smile so someone will stop asking:

yeah exactly....."SMILE MORE"
Me: GIVE me a reason to and I will :P

Even when the sky is falling, I'll still give you a hug. :)

Another RBF here. Or as my doctor sometimes calls it, "flat affect" (though I think he means something a little different) Whatevs, we're not obligated to look a certain way for anybody!

I actually laugh and smile a ton but only around people who can make me laugh and well...most don't ,


I have an intense stare and think too much. I can not force a canned and fake smile even if I wanted to. Other people I know with strong gazes and not blowing smoke up your ass with a fake grin get accused of being either "Mysterious and Deep", or having "Resting Bitch Face Syndrome".

You and I simply MUST meet!!! lol

Story of my bloody life!!!

Oh man, I REALLY enjoyed how much I could relate to that!!! lol

high five :)

First band pic.jpg

The girl in the black is me when I was 12. It only got worse from there. ;-)

gotta keep on truckin'

am on discord under battleaxe and am often on steemspeak or floating around like blogging blobfish

I love this line.
Nice one @battleaxe

thanks :) see ya round

It's a pleasure coming around.

I checked out your blog, very good work....

Your visit warming and we'll appreciated, thanks for stopping by.

You must be a deep thinker, my lovely.
I'm intuitive, intense and sometimes I scare people with my gaze.
You have the advantage of being a pretty woman. :D

yes, I don't see too much of an advantage but then again I over analyze everything, but bet ya' can relate

Omg i love this post at work they tell im soooo intense .. i cant help it lol so Bitch Face Syndrome it shall be love ya post @battleaxe

thanks @orlena, yepppp "intense"

Lmaao resting bitch face syndrome 😂😂😂😂😂, i have a angry bitch face syndrom

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