Overcoming Your Fear of Public Speaking is One of the Most Dreadful Things Any Person Can Do

in #life3 years ago

Public speaking is among the most terrifying things anyone can do. There are horror stories about people who have given entire lectures, entire speeches, and entire presentations on public platforms, and have found themselves staring blankly at a wall, sweating, shaking, and often times just crying. The fear of public speaking alone is enough to send many people into a panic, and leads many to seek out treatments for their fear of public speaking.

Of course, it is not always your fault. Fear and anxiety can stem from a myriad of factors, including genetics, childhood trauma, and even the medications you take. If you suffer from the fear of speaking, there are ways you can overcome it.

First of all, you should understand the root causes of your fear of public speaking. Once you have identified those factors, you can then begin to address your problem. Do you find that you are anxious and/or fearful before an audience because of past failures? Or perhaps you are afraid of what people might think if they knew what you were about to say?

You can overcome these fears by identifying the root cause and addressing it. If you failed in public speaking in the past, maybe you should have some kind of professional development or counseling. Perhaps you should write down a list of positive attributes that you have that can help you be successful in public speaking. Whatever the case may be, make sure you address your fear and anxiety and determine what steps you need to take to overcome it.

If you must speak before an audience, consider making a practice of going to the bathroom, changing into your pajamas, eating, drinking coffee, watching TV, or other similar act during your preparation. As you become familiar with what your body needs during this time, you will feel more relaxed and prepared to speak in front of others. Don't be surprised if your anxiety level even surpasses what you felt when you were a kid. This is normal!

So what can you do to make public speaking a little less terrifying? You can practice addressing your fear(s) by practicing in front of a mirror or alone. If nothing works, then enlist the help of friends or family to help you overcome your fear. The more you put yourself out there in front of people and the less scared you are, the more you will be able to accomplish. Just don't give up - especially if you are feeling extremely alone!

Also, do not get discouraged if you can't conquer your fear of public speaking right away. There is always the chance that it will take time. Some people will never be able to get over their fear of public speaking, but you can't be another casualty. Keep pushing forward toward success and you will succeed. The important thing is just to stay in control of yourself and not let your anxiety dictate where you go or what you do.

In the end, public speaking is just another thing in life that has to be done. Don't let it stop you from enjoying what life has to offer. Speak up, and speak to those around you to help them see a different side of you. By doing this, you will start gaining their respect for you. They may even start recognizing you as someone with a different and interesting perspective on things.

Even though you will never feel totally freedom from fear, there is still hope that you will someday overcome your phobia of public speaking. Just remember that no matter how strong your fear is, there are always options available to you. Speak up anyway - even if you feel your heart is breaking inside. You will be better off in the long run. You will also be a much valued individual if you can eventually overcome this fear.

In the meantime, don't get too stressed out about it. If you can conquer your fear of public speaking - there is plenty more in store for you. You can become a writer, talk show host, or whatever you want to do. Just remember that the key is not to fight the fear - it is to conquer it. Overcome it and then move on to other things. It is certainly better than wallowing in self-pity and regretting that you ever gave in to it.

It will be much easier if you just begin with small steps. Speak up at meetings and forums and gradually increase your courage until you are feeling confident enough to speak to large groups of people without fear of embarrassment or pity. Soon enough, you'll find that no one will be able to stop you. That will be just fine - and you'll know how to handle it when and if it arises. So, what are you waiting for?


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