Is Being Kind a virtue Or a vice?

in #life3 years ago

To attract someone you like you must use the "helpful" qualities in the statement "You are a helpful person." The "helpful" qualities may include showing appreciation, being considerate, loving, giving to the needy or helping others. Think of someone who you admire the most and think of 10 other qualities that they possess. Think of people you have worked with, managed or worked for in the past and think of ten other qualities. Now write down the list in the order of the degree of helpfulness.

It is important to note the word "nice" does not mean that these characteristics are required in all situations. However, if you do not like someone, do not hesitate to tell them. You would be perceived as being harsh and uncaring if you did not. If you do like someone and they are a helpful, nice person then use the word "Helpful" in the statement above.

Here are some sample statements to use if you are feeling really tough and negative about someone: "He is a really nice guy. I liked him right from the beginning. I am sure he is a good catch."

You may find yourself using "You are a very helpful person in particular. When I was going through a tough time, I really needed you to help me." When you are grieving, it is natural to cry and this tears your shirt. It is okay to cry, but try to keep the tears down. Remind yourself that the person you are talking to is a nice person and give thanks for the extra pair of eyes and the kindness you showed them. When you hear this from a friend, think of how kind of a friend you are.

"I was just glad that you showed me kindness when I was down. This made me a better person would have never done that to me if it were not for you." A man stated to me once, "You are always there for me. Even when I am having a bad day, you still brighten my day."

Do you have a friend who is a hard worker? Is he careful with his own money? Is he thoughtful about other people and what he says and does? A friend said to me once, "He's a good Christian but sometimes he does things that are not Christian. But he is very thankful that he only does good deeds." That friend is kind, thoughtful, and appreciative of the good things in his life.

Do you have a hard time saying, "I'm sorry"? Do you find yourself saying, "I'm sorry"? Is a friend kind when she says, "You shouldn't have done that"? Do you find it helpful to hear words like these when you are hurt or angry? The best thing a friend can do for you is to be kind, helpful, considerate, and an example to others.

You have heard enough statements like these to fill you with discouragement. You need to be kind to yourself and to others. Be helpful even when you don't feel like it. If you truly have a kind heart and want to help others, you will find yourself becoming helpful to them and to yourself.

You want to show others that you can be helpful without having to put in too much effort. How can you be kind if you are always busy doing what you feel is the right thing to do? You can't be helpful unless you have time to be helpful. If you want to be helpful to others, you can't make yourself unavailable to them - period. Make yourself available to them in small amounts at first, but over time, gradually increase your involvement, and yes, be kinder - always.

There are so many people who suffer from a negative self-image and they think being kind is far out of reach. The truth is, you don't have to be a superkind person in order to be kind. You don't have to have a lot of money to have a kind heart; in fact, being kind and generous with your money can go a long way. There is no reason in the world why a person should have to feel bad because they are not kind.

So, be kind. Show people that you are there for them when they need you, but more importantly, show them that you can be kind without hurting them in return. Helping others and being kind at the same time is a very attainable goal. It will not happen overnight, so don't expect it to happen on its own; but know that you can achieve it, and that is a great thing. Be helpful and kind and people will love you.

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