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RE: 15 days off smokes and excessive drink

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Mate you post had me in stitches! " beers, for me, is an appetizer" ahahahaha I can agree! I have 5 beers before I leave the house to go to the pub. I'm gonna subscribe as I am interested to see how it goes.

I went to the liver specialist a few weeks ago for a Fibroscan, as I am concerned I drink too much and have damaged my liver, but I got the results and it is in perfect health, regardless of my drinking beer most night of the week ;-)
ps. I don't smoke tobacco, just a little bit of weed on its own here and there. I eat well and that doc said that has a lot to do with it


yeah, i went through something similar with a doctor and was surprised to find out that I am in just dandy health also. I wonder if i will put my system into shock by starting to be healthy. Also, it should be noted that I would say there is very little chance that this is going to be a permanent change for me. I succomb to temptation far too easily. I will likely never stop drinking (I don't want to) but i think putting down the ciggies would be a good idea.

Spot on mate, sack off the fags and meet yourself half way haha. Just about to crack into a cold Guinness, cheers

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