ACTIVIST POST: This is how I feel about Government most days. Banned from City Hall 2012 for calling out their corruption + gaining traction locally. Media paid off. Residents suffer.

in #life7 years ago

I actually used this sign a few times, for a few different events because really, doesn't it sum up things with Gubment perfectly?

You may as well repurpose your signs as an activist, because you need to save money from the extorted taxes and policies they force onto the masses with manufactured consent.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

Yeah dude. Transparency is the answer to regulation. The sooner people get this, the better.


I agree Shayner.

See you later around the


on my page I hope!

Spread the word!

Ha, you know that's a very good point with repurposing the signs

We should have had more people out there wearing kilts for all the days in front of city hall

I started a protest out there, 5 days a week for 2 hrs a day on the busiest road in the town, in frt of this city hall.

We stayed at this for a few mths and the cars going by honked in support and a lot of people talked about this in town, it was a huge awareness campaign.

We stood out there with my king size bed sheet with big blue writing spray painted on it that said


then we switched after the branding of this event was solidly done, to 1 day/week and it was discussed everywhere in town and in council and committee there at the highest levels.

Police were sent and or decided on their own to regularly badger us and I regularly made a fool of them on film and there is proof of this online.

The boots on the throats of the lazy, sleepy, paid off, dumbed down masses who comply with unnatural laws must taste OK to all these people but not me.

I care about the masses and liberty but you have to wonder at what point do they realize the doors on the cage slam shut on them all for good because they allowed it and had every chance to be shown the truth and wake up.

I have done so much for so long trying to help.


I hope we will see you around the latest



tonight after 7 pm EST! The REMINDER post is now up, the actual main post goes up after ~ 5 pm every Friday!

1 post runs all weekend on my page if you did not know!

That's what's up!

You are a constant source of encouragement to me man.

And I appreciate hearing from you, and seeing your support every... single.... time.


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