I say what I want, you understand what you want

in #life7 years ago


The meaning of life does not fit into words, so I will never try to explain it. Language doesn't explain the reality as it is, but how we perceive it. Things happen to us and from these things we grasp only that with which we establish connection. This is the first filter. After capture, when we share our experience with others through language happens the second filter, because we can not convey in words everything we live from that experience. And on the other side there is a person who listens and receives what you speak and establishes connection only with some of everything you said, and so on. So when we talk about abstract things, I say what I want and you understand what you want. It's different when we talk about bread, for example, because you and I agree and we know what a bread is. So if I ask you to go buy three breads in the bakery, you will understand and bring me three breads. But if I ask you to bring me the meaning of life, you will not be able to do it (unless you bring me candies of the bakery, then you'll get it right). But what I mean is that there are things that are to speak and there are things that are to live.

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