a child's mind

in #life7 years ago (edited)


As a child I wanted to write a book. It had to be a book that made a big difference to the world. I think that what I saw before my minds eye was some kind of self-help book but I didn't know what it was back then.

I was nine years old and a strong believer in the truth of books. I had given them some sort of magic power. What was written was true and if you wanted to know something you would search for a book about it. The whole concept that a book came out of someones mind hadn't occured to me yet. I actually thought that knowledge came while writing and that you only had to start the action.


So there I was, sitting at my desk with an empty notebook. Wondering why so many questions were unanswered, why not more people wrote books. I knew the biggest question I had and started writing: a soul is


I distinctly remember arguing with myself if I maybe had to be more patient. Maybe I did something wrong? I was truly disappointed and sat there for a while. It ended with me deciding that future adult me would probably be able to write the rest of the book.

Every now and then I find the notebook. It still has only that sentence. I can not use it for something else or throw it away. My inner nine year old still believes I will some day write a book in that specific yellowing notebook about what a soul is, I just need to be a little older.

No source for the drawings because they are mine.


I also dreamt to write a book. Mine would be like a children story book but the problem is everytime I got the idea of the story, I always procrastinate to the point that I forgetten already what to write.

I heard that writing a book, once published and start earning, is a great source of income, for even if you already gone, your relatives can still get the royalty from it.

Oh by the way, I've seen you used your digital work here in your post. It's so beautiful. ;) Nice job.

Thank you very much! I would like to read your book if you ever write it. Indeed having an idea is one thing, making it reality is another thing. If you stay dreaming maybe it will become reality one day. How great would it be if one day your book is in the shops! But I think it is hard work.

Correct it is hard work. Plus you need to find publisher who will trust you and will help you distribute your books.

Yes indeed. Finding the publisher alone is already hard work.

I like this, since it's been a goal of mine too. The thing is, you really have to learn how to write by doing and failing over and over again. I haven't put myself in that position as of yet. It's only when you start writing yourself, you can appreciate how hard it is to write a complete book. I hope you'll find the knowledge and experience one day to finish your sentence and go from there :)

I would like to be able to finish the sentence but I think I will not be able to do that with the integrity my younger self had in mind.

I've always wanted to write a book as well. I have started many but haven't gotten farther into them then a few pages and then got over it (haha). You should write one someday though! It will come to you

I like to write, so who knows? It would be something to be very proud of. I doubt that it will be a self-help book with an accurate description about the soul.

Do you lose interest in the story if you get over it or do you have not enough time, concentration etc?

Eh, usually I lose time to work on it and by the time I have time to again, I've kind of lost my train of thought. I've found direction in writing is something very difficult to recover and that my writing tends to turn out better when I write something in a shorter period of time.

I think it's important it's just something I need to work on. I really enjoy writing. Hopefully someday I'll have more time to do so. For now, I use Steemit as a practice method :)

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