Take Care of Yourself Before Taking Care of Someone Else's Case.

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Hello Steemian

Life is full of colorful and also the twists and turns of life we ​​continue to miss one by one. like the stories of people out there, who he says want to be masters in their own country. I think the grievances are so meaningful, we should not ask what the reason for the quote is but what we must think about is how to peel away any irregularities and uncertainties that occur in this country. Don't let this country look like a no-man land, Let's make a change. Weapons can eat you if you can't afford the techniques and ethics of use.

Information can we get left-right but still take the example of someone else's writing, again we do not need to ask what exactly cause-seba and reason. I think a puzzle does not make us to exercise a prolonged brain, but just fill in the empty spaces that are easier for us to understand. Where the earth we stand is where the sky is upheld. Never harass, follow the rules that apply. There are no rules in the rules and don't occasionally build stores in other stores. Just keep what we have so far, without having to disturb the pleasures of others. Find a position not occupied by others, walk on the path without having to interrogation success owned by others.



The Youth Steemit :


Betul sekali bang dimana pun kita berada harus kita ikuti aturan yang berlaku di daerah tersebut

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