Fresh cakes, army pancakes ...

in #life6 years ago

In any group of men there are people who like to mess with the test. Nadybav flour somewhere, he carefully washes his hands to the logs. Then he pours the flour from the pot into the kettle to saturate it with oxygen. Then he adds a pinch of salt and soda to the flour to give airiness to the future test. Next, the baker pours a thin stream of water into the flour, stirring thoroughly.

Guys with pleasure watching these manipulations. They remind them of their home, childhood, grandmother and mother ...

If the dough turned out too liquid, then from it you can bake "army pancakes". If a normal consistency, then it is better to bake cakes.

Bread I eat a little, but the fresh cake oven is addicted. I read on the Internet about the harmfulness of modern yeast, and decided to bake pancakes myself.
Flour, a pinch of salt and soda, water and fire. Sometimes for calorie I add in the dough pieces of fat. I like such ancient food, simple, useful and tasty.

Photo with a free СCO license


эо ведь тесто?

ну да...а что удивляет?

Раньше я тоже не возился с ним. Старость наверное...

все в порядке...просто где ты и где тесто)

хе-хе. так-то да...

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