Waking Up In The Morning And Actually Feeling Better - Few Tips For Good Night's Sleep And Easier Mornings

in #life8 years ago

Whats up people? Do you wanna feel better in the morning and have more energy all throught the day? Well here are my few tips for waking up in the morning with a BANG.

No Eating Before Going To Sleep


I know we all like to bite on some midnight snack but it actually isnt good for us and our sleep. Your digestive system is also an organ and it needs to rest. So if you fill yourself up just before going to sleep he will need to work all through the night and because of that you are going to wake up in the morning feeling tired as hell. 

Shower Before Going To Bed


Nothing better than a quick warm shower just before going to bed. Your whole body will get loosen and your muscles will relaxe. Your body will be ready for sleep and for a more energetic wake up.

Sleep More


One of the most frequent cause of bad sleep and awful mornings is you are not getting enough of sleep! Majority of the people are fully charged and ready for a new day with 7 hours of good sleep. You work in the morning and need to wake up early? Leave your phone and go to sleep!

Leave Your Glowing Boxes At The Door


What makes us sleep? Well when body starts to get sleepy and it's in pitch dark thats a signal for your pineal gland to start releasing a hormon called melatonin that make you go to sleep easier. Melatonin gets produced when you are in dark room but your phone screen doesnt let that happen. So next time try not watching at your screen at least an hour before going to sleep

Make It Harder To Press Snooze


Sometimes i dont even remember hitting the snooze button, but I do and I just keep on sleeping. So how can you fix that? Well by making it a challenge to press that snooze button. Dont put it so close to you, put it on a distance where you can hear it but you still need to get up to turn it of. You will wake up faster and you wont fall alseep again.

No More Late Night Caffeine Boost


Stop with drinking coffee just few hours before going to bed, it's messing with your sleep schedule. That also means no energy drink, caffeinated tea, energy bars etc. Stopping with the late night caffeine will get you to sleep easier and just wake up more breezy in the morning.

Well guys, these are some of the guidelines i follow so i could have a full night's sleep and be more refreshed in the morning.I just start my whole day better. Do you know of any other tricks to having better sleep and being more strong in the morning? If you do please feel free to share with us in the comments section!

Best Wishes To You All, Vjeko

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