If you wouldn't use social media anymore on what else would you channel your energy?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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I stopped using social media long back. I have already answered similar questions before in the same context. But I don't mind answering the same again because it becomes like a status update for me as well to evaluate if I'm doing anything productive or not after quitting social media. It's been several months since I stopped using social media platform. If I should say it in short, my life is really very beautiful after channeling my energy towards other things than Social media. I would like to say how I have been channelling my energy. But before that, I would like to first say how I stopped using social media platforms and what made me do that. 

For some people staying away from social media platform is kind of taking away their limbs. When we talk to people on this topic, they even take it offensive.  I'm able to completely understand why because even for me it took a while to understand and quit social media. 

Why I quit social media platforms?

I was someone very active in social media platforms. Though I was not a big fan of sharing my life events with others, I was very active in sharing good information and informative contents with others. Due to interest in politics, I even shared some of my thoughts about politicians and political things. That was initially very good because it was fun to share. I was very active such that I started debating about political things. Some of my friends argued a lot and that is when I started feeling awkward. 

I did some self analysis there and understood that I was losing many good friends because of some stupid political influence and things that I don't even really take it personal. I started realizing that there are definitely so many beautiful things apart from social media platform when we stay away from it and stop doing self advertisements. Social media platform is mostly to share about our life events and to know about the life events of our friends. I realized that it should not be a platform to debate about my thoughts and anyone else's thought as well. I also realized that by just talking in social media there will not be any change happening. So ultimately I really understood that I will be able to spend the time in a valuable manner if I quit social media. That is when I completely decided to stop using any social media platform.

Is Social media platform harmful?

There are both good as well as bad things in social media platforms. When I say all the above things I don't completely mean that is really harmful and we have to stay away from any social media. In a way steemit can also be considered as a very good socializing platform. But the only difference is that we spend out time in a productive way instead of debating and arguing and we try to learn things from each other. I'm completely open for this kind of social media. Here we get good opportunities to interact with people from different culture and traditions. It is a good learning curve and we are also about to see so many people with good heart here. 

Social media platform is definitely not harmful if we take it only in the right sense and make sure our time is not wasted over there. Most of the people spend their time in just scrolling down and down in Facebook. It is not going to make any sense at all for me. That's what I realized. I'm not going to say that it is harmful for others as well. In my perspective, I don't like my time getting wasted on things that doesn't add any great value to my life. That is the reason why even I feel bad sometimes when I play game. But I console myself thinking that my mind will also need some relaxation, so games are fine. 

How do I channel my energy?

To be honest, I don't really have time in my day to day life to spend on something. It will be really valuable if someone can borrow me 2 hours extra every day so that I can be a little free. But the point here is that I don't keep myself free at all. If I find that I'm not occupied on anything productive, I immediately think about something and start getting involved. Even at situations where I don't really have anything to do, I spend time with my family and friends which I feel is absolutely necessary. I would like to list out things that I do to channel my energy towards things other than social media.

  • I'm not very good in reading physical books but I'm a good reader and listener. As soon as I stopped using social media, I immediately landed in Youtube and spent lots of time in listening to some productive lectures. 
  • Steemit was very helpful for me to explore the blockchain world well and help me spend my energy in a valuable manner. 
  • I call and speak to my Old friends to whom I really don't speak a lot. 
  • I'm a software developer and I spend most of my time reading about new technologies and I keep myself updated. I will also be busy working on developing applications even when I'm outside my work. And that is because I'm also passionate about coding. 
  • I travel to places that gives relaxation to mind. My journey will mostly be like I can keep my mobile aside and forget about everything. I will just be there and enjoy the moment without any external thoughts or disturbance. 
  • Social media platforms let you spend lots of time thinking about others. But after quitting social media, I''m able to spend lots of time with myself and think a lot about myself to continuously explore and become a better person with good knowledge and wisdom. 
  • I have made it a practice that I have to read something every day and write something every single day. I have been able to follow this principle for nearly like one year. Steemit and recently Musing has been a great support for me in this aspect. 
  • I spend some of my time on spiritual exploration as well. Especially during my travel to spiritual places, I really feel like not coming back to the normal life at all. It will be an awesome experience. Out of everything that I ever do in my life after quitting social media, I would say that this takes the top 1 in the productivity list because it gives immense happiness. 
  • We run a charitable trust and through our trust we do different sets of activities. I spend some of my time especially one mandatory weekend every month on any of the activities. This also gives a great satisfaction and adds good meaning to life. 

Though I mentioned all the above points, I have to be completely honest that I still visit my social media account now and then just to be updated about things happening there. If my friend is sharing a life event I will not know if I completely quit social media. The reason is because social media platforms can be disaster for my life but I cannot expect the same with others as well. 

Image Source: Pixabay.com


Interesting read, social media consumes ones time. But do you know Steem is an interactive blockchain?

So saying "I stopped using social media long back" would be kinda wrong. Musing.io is also a social network btw.

Yes I know and that is why I have also mentioned that we have to choose the social media. Maybe my statements look a bit contradicting. Maybe I should have been a bit more specific. Thanks for the comment.

Idk, I'd probably focus my energy on eating biscuits

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