Last day of April (30.04.2017)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello there

I got tired of staying home and throwing myself out. I thought I would go for coffee because I did not want to go too far
This time preferred to sit out differently.
I thought it was not cold with the weather getting warmer, but after 10 minutes I found myself inside.
was be cold: D
I never really got used to this place. I started to feel like an alien myself.
Anyway, when I sat outside, I started to take a picture of the place I was sitting in. It was a bit noisy because it was so close to the street, but it was fine.




This time I ordered something hot. The menu was almost the same as the other cafes. In the end I decided to drink Cafe Mocha.
I will not say very good, but it was not so bad as I expected.


How is your weekend going? :)

안녕하세요. 집에 앉아 있기가 너무나 심심해서 밖에 나가려고 했어요 . 나가긴 나갔지만 뭘 할 지 생각 안해서 빨간불에서 기다린 동안 뭘 할 지 생각했어요 .. 그렇게 멀리 가고 싶지 않아서 근처에 있는 커피숍 중 하나를 선택해서 거기로 갔어요 .
오늘은 날씨 그렇게 춥지 앟겠다라는 생각으로 밖에 앉았지만 조금 시간 지나고 나서 추워졌어요ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 그래서 10분 안으로 자리 바꿔서 안에 앚게 됬어요.
밖에 앉을 동안 사진도 좀 찍었어요 .
메뉴는 다른 커피숍이랑 거의 비슷해요 . 오늘은 카페모카 시켰어요.
맛은 그렇게 좋지 않지만 너무 나쁘지도 않았어요. 먹을만했어요 .

여러분 주말 잘 지내고 있어요 ? ^-^

Bugünde evde kalmaktan sıkılıp kendimi dışarı attım.
Ne yapsam ne yapsam diye kırmızı ışıkta düşünürken fazla uzağa gitmek istemediğim için en iyisi kahve içmeye gideyim dedim.
Her zamankinde farklı olarak dışarıya oturmayı tercih ettim .
Havaların sıcaklaşmasıyla üşümem diye düşündüm fakat 10 dakika sonra kendimi içerde buldum .
Üşüyebilirmişim :D
Buranın havasına gerçekten hiç alışamadım. Kendimi uzaylı gibi hissetmeye başladım.
Neyse dışarıda oturduğum süre boyunca oturduğum yerin manzarası çekmeye başladım. Caddeye çok yakın olduğu için hafif gürültülüydü ama sorun değildi.

Bu sefer sıcak bir şeyler sipariş ettim. Menü diğer kafelerle hemen hemen aynıydı. Sonunda Cafe Mocha içmeye karar verdim.
Çok çok güzel diyemiyeceğim ama beklediğimden kötü değildi.
Sizin haftasonunuz nasıl geçiyor? :)


I loved all your photos. And I really wanted to drink a mocha coffee. I'm from Argentina and here I'm drinking "mate". It is a drink of my own country and is very common at breakfast. I hope you have a nice Sunday!

Hello @tincho İ am very glad to hear you loved my photos :) Argentina ? oh İ am from Turkey :) mate , yeah if i can go Argentina one day i would like to try it .
Have a nice Sunday too :)

You are more than welcome to my country, if you ever come do not hesitate to ask me for information. Probably the first time you try the "mate", you don't like it. But I think it's a matter of customs. As I imagine in the beautiful Turkey must have also. :)

oh well , Thank you :) İ 'll ask if i can go :) mate is kind of tea ?

It is something similar but is taken differently. It carries lump (I don't know how to say it in English) and can drink sweet or bitter. I'm going to leave a video for you to see. Nice to share my culture, I loved this video, I had not seen it.

oh haha :D İ wonder the taste more than before now after i watched video . And i search little there is mate in Turkey :)

Haha sure, If there is an Argentine somewhere, there must be "fernet" or "mate". Two drinks that are consumed a lot here. The fernet is more when one go out at night, has a high alcoholic graduation. I'm teaching you about my culture, haha. I hope someday to learn more about yours :)

yes i never heard about Argentine culture so i really glad to listen it . :) İ am trying to share about Turkey . But if you wonder something i can teach you :)

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