Random health update.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For some who might be wondering, I have good health news and some unclear health news.

The growths in my lungs are not spreading or growing. Even though I am refusing treatment all but one has actually shrunk, and that one doesn't look cancerous in that it is not inflamed and seems to be more of a bronchial cyst. It is causing my persistent cough and was the original cause of my concern. Unfortunately this kind of cyst, when it becomes a problem, is best handled with major surgery. I don't know if I can make myself walk in and let them do that to me. As it stands, it's not a major impediment to my breathing or heart, so I have time to get used to the idea.

I had some skin cancers removed, and others actually responded to fasting (IMO) and are much smaller.

I did mostly recover physically from the violent attack in August, except for some TMJ like problems, some kind of injury to my neck and shoulders, and a recurring, intrusive urge to find those punks and fuck them up. I won't do it, but it bothers me to be suddenly struck with that huge adrenaline flood and I'm sure that can't be good for me.

So... in general, not nearly as dead as I thought I would be by now. In spite of some uncertainty in the future, I'm taking it as a near win.

Just putting this here as a record, in case something happens.


Encouraging news. Much better than I would have expected from the last health update I saw from you. You got this! (fingers crossed)

Thanks! Yeah, I guess at this point we are doing imaging every 3 months or something. I suspect my old doctor thought that I would get a good look at what was happening and decide to let her poke holes in me. Instead, things look a little better and I got a new doctor.

I am glad to know that you are feeling better. Hang on, fingures crossed

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