Just a short note to tell you I'm OK

in #life7 years ago

I was attacked at a bus stop by a gang of thugs and knocked unconscious into the road. I was in the hospital thursday and at my local care center yesterday but there is no permanent damage and I will be just fine once the headache goes away.

Details follow for those who are concerned.

I was at a bus stop when a young girl walked up, a car blew their horn at her and she smiled and waved like she knew who they were. They pulled over, rushed at her, and started beating her up.

So I dragged my old fat crippled ass over and got in between. Turns out they were just as happy to beat me up. It took them a while, and the girl managed to get on the bus while I was dealing with them, but then someone hit me from behind and it went downhill from there.

The doctor says I'll be fine although it doesn't feel like it now. And of course I can't stop thinking about what I should have done, etc. Mood swings and bouts of unfocused rage because there's no info yet about who they were from the cops. It will probably not even get investigated. It certainly wasn't in the news.

All images from pixabay or my camera unless otherwise noted.


Sorry to hear about this. I hope you make a speedy recovery.

have a safe and total recovery. Take care of you. Thanks for sharing this horrific story..hope it will help some of us to avoid such drama. Good to hear that you are fine.

get well soon
from now own I expect you to be armed?

Won't be fire armed, if that's what you mean.

I could have caused more damage, but that was not my goal. I protected the girl and kept myself from being injured for long enough that cars stopped and the punks were forced to flee. To do more would have caused my ethical position to be much worse, and I already have trouble sleeping at night.

People in my apartment building, people who have never had to face themselves after injuring another human being, were quick to suggest I should have hurt them more. Of course I wish I had paid more attention behind me, but I'm glad I didn't lower myself to their level.

what ever lets you sleep at night.
it's happened to me...I wasn't so gentle.
I don't lose any sleep...never have.

That was rather random x_x glad you're okay and hope you recover quickly.

The external injuries are healing rapidly, but the deeper bruising is probably at it's worst point now. Taking my opiates and going to bed now.

What an amazing and terrible story! Well done for helping the girl though it is shocking how too many people pretend they haven't seen things happening and don't help others.
I praise your spirit and wish you a speedy recovery!
HI I like your work and your photos
I am a keen photographer down in Costa Rica and following you now as I think you are a great guy!
Have a beautiful day!

Hard to believe what some people do.

Thank you for your selfless service on the girl's behalf.

I think you must have some sprit looking out for you! So glad you seem to be on the mend.

It is always nice to see people like you doing selfless deeds

That's terrible! Kudos to you though for helping her. And hope you're on your feet again soon.

Oh my goodness! I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Personally, I admire you for stepping up and helping that girl. I'm glad you're ok and I'm also glad you're not thinking of carrying a firearm.

Stay safe <3

Thanks, I'm mostly healed now. Still some persistent bruising etc. I have been resting in bed because they say that helps with a head injury. In fact, it's noon, and I think I will go back to bed now.

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