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RE: Breaking Paradigms, a Difficult Yet Fundamental Task to Grow - Chapter 2 - Possibly The Most Important One to Have The Right Mindset...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Those old saying are indication of something that was recognised for eons by people of all creeds. I understand that there's always exceptions but the rule is that money corrupts. That's why lottery winners go broke and the stories of rich people being assholes are abound. Money, not only social status, most definitely corrupts many people.

This is a quote from the article that ought to ring inside your head:

The question now is whether we can stop people in places of power from making the kinds of self-promoting decisions that tend to harm others. Many companies ask employees to undergo ethics training, but Harvard researchers say that isn't enough.

You're in a denial of how these things affect you, not only that you think that by promoting your altruistic deeds it actually speaks about how altruistic you are and it isn't an obvious boasting and egotistical mannerism which says that the motivation behind the act wasn't altruistic regardless of the outcome.

If we were to get into the studies that depict how people change in their ethical stance depending on their social status the effects of being corrupted by money are compounding even further and there's a plethora of these tests that have been reproduced in different cultures.

To bring it closer to home, our beloved community is raped by bots which are sustained by your behavior, invalidating the ethos of the community and hypocritically trying to subtly excuse it with the "media is sensationalizing evil people who are rich" is only more proof that you couldn't possibly care less about "helping" anyone but yourself even though you clearly don't need any more help in that regard.

I'll leave a quote from the study about money here:

Our findings suggest that money is a more insidious corrupting factor than previously appreciated, as mere, subtle exposure to money can be a corrupting influence

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Thank you for your time! But I think that you didn't understood what I mean. I respect your opinion but I don't agree with you but no problem, that's just a point of view. Life goes on ... Regards

How quaint, you went back and edited your simplistic and quite insulting comment to appear as if you considered what I said, as if the study provided is an opinion.

It is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle

You might as well spit in my face since your thank you is a mockery of that sentiment considering what was said. #postpromote

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Friend, there is a popular saying in my country that is: Do not measure me by your rule! If you felt offended and because you interpret everything as an attack on your person. Here in this blog if you pay attention I do not attack anyone. If disagreeing with you is understood as with mocking you or being ironic I am very sorry. I would not even have replied to you if that was my intention. I don't waste my time attacking people. I invest my time in people and this is what you seem to have not yet understood. I really wish all the best for you. Regards

You're not my friend, buddy. You're what is hurting this place and you seem to think that you're helping me? I am attacked by your post promotion and disingenuous thanks, you value my time but not enough to upvote, nor enough to even respond with something that considered what I said. If someone comes to you and tells you "hey I don't think what your doing is good or genuine and I think it's quite hypocritical" and you say "thank you" that's exactly the same as spitting in their face because you don't value what they said.

I don't want your upvote, or your consideration, or even care for it after that insulting remark. You attack my community, you devalue the function of curation and I have all I want thus far: your post to comment under, but it's a thanklessly so because I'd rather discuss the meat and potatoes of your post by bouncing off your post with my contentions. If you disagree, then at least have the gall to say so, but don't tell me you're here to empower anyone but your huge ego because I can see clearly what your actions are:

No consideration, disingenuous altruism used for propping up your self, and to boot selfish behavior of self voting through bid bots. You're not fooling anyone, but there's a bunch of people ready to agree to anything you say for the chance at a couple cents while you reserve the vast majority for yourself, defeating the function of curation.

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You really want to create a distortion about what is written. You say you're not my friend? That's great because I get that way. Your treatment is disrespectful and distorted and I do not want it inside my blog. Be a good friend, but please look for your yard and do not come to contaminate mine with your hatred. Here is a place for positive people. You do not have to tell me you do not want my upvote. Did not you notice I did not give you upvote? I honestly will not spend my keyboard with you anymore. Be happy

What's disrespectful or distasteful about my "treatment", after all if it is like you say it is you shouldn't have a problem pointing exactly to that "treatment", you needn't even explain it if it's obvious, but I'm not holding my breath for your response.

If you don't want me inside your blog then don't make a place for me, which is exactly what you do with each comment and post, you don't get to choose how or why people respond no matter how much you wish you could.

As for the upvote, clearly you were thankful for my time but not enough to upvote it, even if it was as an empty gesture, a fake courtesy, which is what that response was, after all you didn't even care to say why you disagree, or least to say that you disagree.

You might consider yourself positive even though me and many others have pointed out exactly how your actions aren't positive, but be fooled by all the empty words people type under your posts in hopes you share a few cents with them as you "share" with yourself.

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You blame the victim that pays for upvotes.
The perpetrators are the preminers that really farm the place and the developers, with the main perpetrator being Dan Larrimer, whom as far as I know may be freedom himself.
ned is guilty too.
For user your size to refrain from paying for votes is stupid.
Due to people like you forfeiting this opportunity, automated bots such as mojo4you are so profitable.
I profited myself, but worked too hard for it, so hard that I do not consider it as a profit.
I do it mainly to reduce profitability of spammers and abusers.
If you bought votes, it would have made my life easier, and your experience more profitable and maybe more interesting.

A victim? Please explain how he's the victim.

The perpetrators aren't abusing the function of curation and so they can sit on their stake for as long as they wish.

Paying for something that is meant to be earned and given when deserved is not stupid. Stepping on everyone with bought for votes is stupid. Paying for free stuff is stupid. It's stupid to voutbate just the same, shortsighted and stupid and clearly abusive as if everyone paid for votes or voted only for themselves there would be zero incentive to publish here anymore.

Yeah its easy to gamble and buy popularity, but it's also very stupid.

Posted using Partiko Android

He joined a platform that discriminates against everyone whom did not premine and did not premine.
He tries to do the best that he can.
The preminers are all guilty, the witnesses are guilty, everyone that bought STEEM is guilty, but to a lesser extent.
We may be guilty for participating in this game and not migrating to another platform, the way dlive did (wish them good luck).

Upvotes are not free.
There is a limited supply of rshare at any given time, and your problem with his actions imply that you are aware that he takes that "free stuff", which you can give to yourself, away from you.
Buying votes can be beneficial both to reputation (did you claim your Byteball already?) and to your STEEM and SBD holdings.
I buy votes too.
Check mojo4you.
It is a bot that automatically buys votes on plagiarized content at the last moment.
This is what happens when votes are for sale, but people like you refrain from capitalizing on opportunities.
What people like you whom complain instead of compete is very stupid.
I wish there was a decentralized exchange with low enough fees that had Byteball and STEEM and allowed me to convert and exit this game.
I would rather play this game on a better and fairer platform.

More nonsense.

Premine or not @ned or @dan never used their stake in efforts to undermine anyone and certainly not to undermine the function of curation.

He hardly considered anybody but himself since he first stepped on the scene here.

What are the preminers actually guilty of?

Upvotes are free, it's not only that but upvotes come with curation rewards so they are more than free, they are profitable without being sold. In giving to yourself you undermine the function of curation and display the greediness that is labeled as abusive. If everyone bought votes and voted for themselves nobody would come here, period, it would turn into a bitconnnnnnnect Ponzi scheme in a heartbeat.

By subverting how curation works, both for reputation and the popularity of articles you are actively abusing the system. In a videogame that is the equivalent of spawn camping, or camping the spawn of equipment. It's usually an instant ban, or you get labeled a camper and the only people who are going to remain and play are the newbs who don't recognize what you're doing.

The opportunities you see don't have any consideration for the cost on the rest of the players and the place as a whole. That's why servers are abandoned in video games, because someone takes advantage of the "opportunity" to be a total douchebag.

If everyone bought upvotes and upvoted only themselves this place would not exist and there wouldn't be any opportunities for people to actually publish something that isn't completely cacamany and self-serving.

Posted using Partiko Android

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