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RE: Why I Did The World's Most Dangerous Psychedelic... Iboga

in #life7 years ago

People need salt and like you say ideally those are in the quality food you consume. But adding some salt on it doesn't have to be a problem if you make sure you got the right compound of minerals. 2/3 of the salt a human needs per day is potassium chloride and only 1/3 of it should be sodium chloride. But if you buy regular salt for food you'll get 99% sodium chloride. And that's also what they use in the food industry because the salt with potassium is 10x more expensive. That's why people often get to much sodium chloride, because they use some unbalanced single salt. Potassium also helps to prevent the negative effects of to much sodium chloride like high blood pressure.


@b-free, I used to have 10 different salt, icelandic geyser salt, celtic sea salt, dead sea salt, himalayan salt etc. It doesn't matter what compound of minerals the salt got it's still inorganic and not compatible with the human body.

I juice a lot of green leaves that has got an abundance of minerals which all are organic and I feel so much better since I stopped eating inorganic salt since February of last year. Read the article above and you will understand where I come from :)

All those salts you just named are usually all 99% sodium chloride. I don't know if you changed your diet when you stopped eating inorganic salt because you had to avoid a lot of processed food
Or did you eat healthy before that but just stopped using the salt? With a complete daily diet overhaul from processed crap food to extremely healthy stuff I would expect a noticeable improvement on your well being. I'll check out the article........done.
It's an interesting, I'll have to do some more research on this topic. I do have the impression that the writer seems to be all in on his theory. I have a feeling there is something to it but maybe not to the extend the writer is going. For instance salt is also used in the brain fluids to increase the conductivity of it to improve the electrical signals the nervous system uses. If the body is low on salt it can also use sugar although it isn't as good in improving conductivity as salt. And I can't see how inorganic salt wouldn't work just as good for that specific function.
Also it is said that humans can't drink demineralized water instead of normal water as standard practice. People that have special water filtering systems for their tap water add in minerals that the filter takes out supposedly because we need them.

@b-free, thanks for taking your time to read the article!
I've been experimenting with raw food for 9 years now and it's very clear to me that excluding inorganic salt from my diet has helped me a lot. One change I did at the same time though (Feb 2017) was that I started drinking only distilled waters which is just another name for pure water, the only water nature provides us with.

Water Cycle Art2 A

Why would pure water be bad for you? The amount of potential minerals in water is nothing compared to the amounts you can get from greens, fruit, vegs, seaweed etc. To me it just doesn't make any sense and now i'm on a quest to end the confusion regarding this subject once and for all! :)


“People who say that Distilled Water leaches minerals out of the body are, therefore, correct only in this respect. This is only 50% of the truth. It is virtually impossible for Distilled Water to separate minerals, which have become an integral part of the cells and tissues of the body. Distilled water collects ONLY the minerals which remain in the body, minerals discarded from natural water AND from the cells, the minerals which the natural water originally collected from its contact with the earth and the rocks. Such minerals, having been rejected by the cells of the body are of no constructive value. On the contrary, they are debris which distilled water is capable of picking up and eliminating from the system.”

Distilled water is the only water which runs through all water-based life forms. Here are the writings of doctors and experts who all support the benefits of Distilled Water.

Early Death Comes From Drinking Distilled Water
This half-truth seem to stem from this article on (top result when you Google "distilled water").

Sources - ‘distilled waters’

  1. All machine-made distilled waters [distillers, evaporators, condensers, solar distillers, air wells, fog fences and dew ponds],

  2. All sky distilled waters [rain, mist, snow, dew and fog],

  3. All body distilled waters [saliva, plasma, amniotic fluid, urine and breast milk]

  4. All plant distilled waters [raw fruit and vegetable juices] ).

‘Distilled’ is the word for pure water, at the molecular level there is nothing sticking to anything else which means the molecules are flowing freely.

They are not still - they are DIS-STILLED. So when you add things which stick to the individual water molecules, they slow them down - they UN - DIS - STILL them.

And what did you exactly do when you stopped consuming inorganic salt, just not adding it to anything and no processed stuff where it was added? So basically just eating healthy organic food with good nutritional value, never add salt and drink clean water?

Yeah, drinking a lot of pure distilled water and stopped consuming inorganic salt in all it's forms. Also mostly been eating a lot of fruit, greens, juices. Almost no processed food as there is inorganic salt in all products basically.

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