Chronicles of Alan; Lucas 10

in #life7 years ago (edited)

not quite as awe inspiring as a Motorcycle? Just the facts

Lying in Casualty, I remembered My Parents phone number, asked me how old Chris was?, late fifties, I responded ( actually 29)
My Religion is LDS, but have been inactive since about 20 years old .

If you have followed on this Lucas Series in Number 7 I had promised to take My Kids to Church ?, but instead had gone on this Bike run.

Two Elders from the Church turned up ,laid their hands on my Head and gave me a Priesthood blessing.

Heard later that after doing this they both had to lie down on Hospital Beds!

Said it was as though I had sucked all the energy out of them!( one of them married My middle Sister, Susan).

My Folks are there and are obviously concerned. They are getting me ready to go into theatre!

I gather it was a Miracle I survived the night.

The Doctor who operated on me Dr Jannie L came to see me the next day " Your elbow joints are shattered , we can lock them bent or straight, think on it and let me know"

Jaw fractured in several places, but I was able to let him know straight away, in no uncertain terms what I thought of those options.

The nurses placed my arms on pillows, after about 15 minutes , I was in total agony , would make noises , all they had to do was pick up my arms, fluff the pillows and put my arms down again, and be back in a further 15 minutes, I must of nearly driven them mad!

I had constant Visitors, Someone brought Wayne to see me( he had insisted,) he ran out the room screaming and crying.

One of the Managers from Lucas came to see me, when could I get back to work?

Evidently My Head was several times it's normal size , My hair was down to my waist at that time, and was a mass of Mud made out of Sand and Blood . I was in too much pain for them to wash me! I discovered Pethedine the finest way to get some sleep!

I stayed in intensive care for quite some time, the day they moved me out , they had to move me to a regular Hospital Bed, I must have been one big bruise, serious pain.

I insisted that they bring Chris to see me as I had not seen her since the Ambulance, They brought her in a Wheelchair.

It was great just to see her!

this picture courtesy of wikipedia.

The Nurses do not have too much sympathy for Bikers , mind you, they explained to me , that there are more people in Hospital from Bike Accidents than all other reasons added together! Really Bad Odds, when you think what percentage of people actually ride Motorcycles?

Several Mother's came to see me saying their Son's wanted to get a Motorcycle , would I mind if they brought them to see me?

So there was a steady stream of young fellows coming in to my room and leaving several shades whiter!

Friends, and Bikers kept visiting hours busy , Charlies Wife Bev brought me a litre of Carrot Juice and insisted I drink it in front of her! ( Ghastly)

Then it was mentioned , " You are looking remarkably well, they say you will be here between 5 and 7 months?"

I said " I will be out of here in two weeks" Much Laughter.

From the next day I asked the nurses to lift me out of bed , I hung on the food trolley and started walking , 2 steps the first day 4 the next etc.

The Windows were left open one night ( August still cold in SA ) I developed Pleurisy , they had to pack 19 pillows behind me and I locked my legs against the side bars of the bed , otherwise I felt like I was drowning.

Had to go in for another Operation , told the Guy pushing the My Bed I was going Home in a few Days, told me I was talking rubbish , Offered to beat him up , which he found really funny, annoying me even more.

I ended up being in Hospital for a total of 31 Days! Unbelievable. I know this is bragging , but why not? Years later , the same Doctor operated on Wayne and told him I was the toughest Guy he had ever met!

A few Days later , Chris and I went Home, in retrospect , shouldn't have as I could hardly do anything ?, would climb in a bath and wait for someone to visit to lift me out of it.

When I think on it , that Blessing was the finest thing that happened to me in a long time, I changed my attitude and became less arrogant and more Grateful for things in my life!


you seem to following your passion :) but that was really sad to read.

Thank You.

Thanks for sharing

My Pleasure, Thanks.

Its really sad when an biker treated with all these instruments in hospital

Even sadder if it's you!, Thanks.

I know once your have an accident its really hard to be back to the normal state.

That is for sure, Thank You.

Don't think about it anymore.. you can share it and thats enough..

Thank You, Appreciate your support.

Thanks for sharing this with us @awgbibb
That blessing worked like charm for sure !!

My Pleasure , Thanks.

glad to know I'm not one of the accounts spamming you, ha ha . Mothers used to bring their children to watch me teach - wonder what that says about me? My mentor, a priest himself, wouldn't recruit me to the priesthood - said I'd be a hoodlum priest ....ya, probably true :)

You ?, a Hoodlum? , Don't believe it! Thanks.

well, I'm reformed all together :)

Wow I would say that is about as close as you can get to passing and survive!

True That, Thank You.

My friend you were a setted example for a mother to give to their children who wanted such bikes. Hope everything turned out in the right direction. Thank you my friend @awgbibb

I suppose I was?, Things have certainly been better than the path I was following!
Thank You My Good Friend.

Oh dear. That must have been traumatic. Get well soon. Great determination there!

Oh not that we dont have much sympathy haha its some can be a bit rough and some are intimidating:)

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