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RE: The society is quietly reward those who willing to learn, and are punishing those who are not willing to learn

in #life7 years ago

This is a very good read. You are absolutely correct in what you say.

Having a "worker mindset" is the easiest way to build a gilded cage around one's life. Where he/she will never travel beyond the comfort zone and meet the possibilities and potential he/she may have in him/herself.

Having the ability to adapt and the willingness to learn is probably more valuable than any degree or master or PhD. Seeing as how the fast-pacing world we are keeps innovating, the papers probably become obsolete the moment it was issued.

I'd rather keep being aware that i am not the smartest in the room and fix that rather than not knowing im an idiot and hurt myself in my ignorance.

Thanks for the write-up! it was very good!


For me, those degree or master is useless once you entered the society. The skills we have and the willingness to learn new things, that will help us to survive in this world.

Thanks! I'm glad you like it :)
Your comments motivate me to continue writing!

Again, if it helps. Your writing is great! hahaha

Though i have not been to uni myself. most of my degree-holder peers will agree with you. The willingness to learn and adapt trumps the academic knowledge that gets more obsolete with each passing day.

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