Was It A Choice Or Was It Predestined To Happen That Way?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Whenever it started was exactly when it was supposed to start
Whenever it ended was exactly when it was supposed to end
Whoever was with you was exactly who was supposed to be with you
Whatever happened was exactly what was supposed to happen"


There are many theories which state that "Whatever Happened, Is Exactly What Was Supposed To Happen," and there are also many theories which state that, "It Is A Choice And You Decided To Make That Choice."

I am very interested in many different ways of perceiving life. There can be so many different options and choices to believe. Some are very fulfilling to the mindset, while others can be very damaging. The bolded quote above gives me the realization that it is all occurring perfectly and it was supposed to happen like that and I don't need to worry about it happening any other way, because it never did happen that way. But my question is (which we may never know) is it true, or do we just justify it in that way to make it better for us? What if it wasn't supposed to happen like that and you could have changed it? What if that person wasn't supposed to be there and they were? What if it wasn't supposed to end like that but you chose to let go?

What if everything really isn't as it seems but we create these phrases that give us more clarity for why something happened. Although, I agree with the bolded quote and it is something I hold dear to my heart realizing that I can't change what has already happened so it was obviously supposed to happen that way, but then again What if it wasn't? I know it can get confusing but I just wonder a lot. The mysteries of the universe mind boggle me and I love it because, will we ever know the truth when it comes to certain things like this? Is everything predestined, or is it a choice we choose to make? But even when we decide to make that choice, maybe that choice was already predestined to begin with. Who knows?

Anybody have any thoughts on this? Its a very interesting topic to me that I would love to hear your insight on!

Have a great day <3 :)

Instagram - @SapioSexualPoetry & @AwakeAliveAware


You know what they say, past is only a memory and future is a mystery, the only thing that matters is right now. Maybe we should focus on the present moment and try to be the best version of ourselves. I am a hermetic at heart so I believe in multiple incarnations and karma, karma as a blueprint for fulfilment not the other way around. Some say we choose our life before birth, that incarnation is nothing more than going to school, an universal school that teaches us the inner workings of existence itself. So let's stop thinking and live the life to its fullest, learning, enjoying, loving and giving back, the universe has its ways we can't control it but we can decide who we want to be.

hey there, thanks for the post...i have learned...still practicing, that unconditionally accepting everything as perfect is unconditional love for myself. if it's happening, it's required by my higher self for my growth. meaning there are no accidents, ever. for me, this unconditional acceptance of "if it's happening it's required" brings so much ease to my life. so much less resistance. and so much more love and provision. it's all very exciting....never a dull moment on planet earth. yes, the present moment is the only place anything is ever happening anyway. and so it is. thank you!!

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