You have a choice in life: Be OBSESSED or be depressed!

in #life7 years ago

Welcome to the world of extreme obsession, motivated by years of mostly negative energy from the world around us. When you grow up middle class, it may seem like a blessing in disguise and yet it’s already setting you up for failure. I hate acting like a spoiled, bratty conspiracy theorist but it’s quite obvious society’s set up in a pretty skewed way. I’m not blaming those at the top, nor those at the bottom, rather I’m just admitting I see the situation for what it is. Life will always be unfair, no matter which side you come from (if there even are sides). If you’re one of those pointing the finger at the successful wealthy figures, you are part of the problem. At the end of the day, I plead with you to open your eyes and realize.. that it’s all a game!

It’s absurd how seriously everyone takes their careers, education, even such mundane activities as walking to the bus stop or meeting up with an old friend. We’re stuck in our minds, imprisoned by our egos and by the forced thoughts that society throws down upon us. We’re never truly free, are we? We may have financial freedom, we may feel liberty just around the corner but for as long as you’ll be taking orders from someone else, you’re enslaved my friend. I don’t care who it is, whether it be your family, your employers/employees, your teachers/professors, your closest friends and partners.. if they’re throwing negativity your way and trying to forcefully change your destiny.. you’re being held up by those mental chains. It’s time to break them.

When you were little, what did you want to grow up as? If you answered “I’m not sure” or “I don’t know” you’re part of the majority of people out there. If you knew exactly what you wanted out of life, welcome to the club. Although being here isn’t anything special, so don’t suddenly feel like you’re above everyone. In fact, you should be extremely careful as your mind might cause you to slip up, suddenly thinking you deserve something. News flash: No one deserves jack shit. You want something? Work for it.

In response to all my teachers’ questions I’d always answer the same thing, “I want to be a billionaire.” and it still hasn’t changed. I’m willing to sacrifice it all for that title. Part of it is being sucked into the game, while another part wants to be ultimately free. When you’re in the UPPER ECHELON of society, you are afforded the freedom to absolutely give zero fucks about everything. Someone wants something from you that doesn’t please you? “Fuck you.” Your boss fires you from work? What boss? That’s a joke! “Fuck you” power is the most pleasing thing in the entire world to use. You get to do whatever you want.

Anyways, some of you might’ve been turned off by this rambling while the other part are absolutely horny for more. I know that a large majority reading this probably already think I’m delusional, which I’m quite used to by this part truthfully. It is what it is, everyone is out for themselves in this world and nobody wants to see you succeed. Your family? Your friends? Your girlfriend/boyfriend? It’s good to have trust in people and surround yourself by successful and coked up, loving individuals but NEVER give 100% trust to anybody. You can go all the way up to 99.99%… but never the full 9 yards, my friends.

If you knew exactly what you desired from childhood, everything else was secondary to accomplishing your dreams. You know in your heart of hearts you’d do anything to try and destroy everything that stands in your way, you’re prepared for anything. You always had it in you, I mean EVERYBODY is motivated.. but we’re part of those who will go further. Our willpower, our persistence, our passion, our entire bodies are driven by this absolute energy that won’t allow for anything else but TO CRUSH IT completely in whatever we set our minds to.

Would you be satisfied knowing you accomplished everything you set out to do since you were young? Or do you want to grow old and live forever with regret? Just go to any retirement home, and you’ll discover that one of the saddest things out there is realizing that 99% of the world will always have their regrets. Fuck that, it’s time to go out and DO. Create whatever you can, set an example for others and forge your own paths if there’s none to be followed.

I decided to try a post without the usual photos and edits, just writing stuff (that I may or may have not been inebriated while doing so). Thought I'd let my thoughts spill, see where they go. We are alive in a time where we're able to accomplish more than ever before, and yet most of us are just burning through the time. How can we live like this?




If a billionaire can come from poverty and with little education, and there can be thousands who graduated Ivy Leagues with PhD's that are homeless or with millions of dollar in debt, then truly ANYTHING is possible..


like the sentiment, but "fuck you" power also comes with plenty of problems, and no matter what you do, you'll always have a boss-- maybe it'll be just your wife or your kids, but a boss nonetheless. But keep charging hard, that we agree.

Very interesting!

So true. So easy to not use time properly. Disappointing since "time" is such a valuable commodity. Yet we trade it so easily, giving everyone the right to our time. We never really use it for our benefit. Our we using our time to develop our goals and passions. No, most are not. Most don't even know the value of time. The Nike commercial, "Just do it" has just not taken a foothold in our society. The new generation is so lost , confused, and really into hard work. They just want it now and for free if possible. Just my rants and thoughts. Good post.

I grew up I would have to say I the lower class.... My mom split with my dad. We lived in low income and on welfare. But my mom always found a way to keep me and my sisters fed and happy. I never let that bother me. Now I have my own business and awesome family..
Thanks for the good story.

Nice post... Upvoted and followed
Follow back @gauravchugh Thanks

The secret of the blockchain world is that it is a mirror. Your life is composed as a chain of events by your mind. You are the director. The only thing you have a choice about is whether to focus on that fact and realize what you've done or not.

A very good post. I read a good quote the other day that is similar to this:

When you come to your deathbed you won't take comfort from your car or your good financial records, you'll look at everything you've achieved (or haven't achieved) and the people around you and either regret everything or realise that you've lived to the best of your ability. You want to be someone who does the latter.

I can't remember the exact quote - nor find it - but it hit pretty close to home. Excellent post as usual though, my dude :)

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