Adventures in Pet Sitting - Spectacular Weather, Chicagoland Edition

in #life8 years ago

The weather this winter has been out of whack more than usual.

Short sleeve temps in November, then a roller-coaster ride between sub-freezing to almost spring-like conditions up to, and including, today. It was overcast, gray, and misty. I had a dog walking visit tonight and was just thankful it wasn't worse.

The last thing I was expecting was a thunderstorm. Sigh...

As I was driving to the appointment, I remembered a few years ago Jim Cantore had a memorable reaction to one of our more exciting storms that included thundersnow. I'm not able to embed the video here, so take a minute and check out what thundersnow looks like in action. You can hear the thunder echo between the buildings. Very cool!

I didn't know what was so special about them, so a browser search was in order. This fella has a nifty model explaining the science behind the phenomenon -

I also learned that thundersnow isn't exclusive to Chicago. It seems to be at home all over the Midwest:

With the way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if we get treated to a similar light show before this winter is out.

As for tonight's walk, we got lucky and had enough of a window between bands, we didn't get rained on. Yay!

Upvote, ReSteem,



Snow is on its way to us too in the UK, I'm going to hibernate I hate it

Bundle up & stay cozy!

I can deal with the snow. It's the combo of cold, wet, & windy that does me in. That stuff just seems to seep into your bones. Yuck! I'm holed up every chance I get these day, too.

I never get out in it now as housebound one thing I do miss is taking my dogs for a walk, I never minded the rain or snow then

If the dogs don't mind it, then it does make it easier to deal with. Getting paid to take out other folks' critters doesn't hurt either. lol!

I'll think of you all cozy when I'm out in the weather - warm thoughts like that remind me the cold is temporary. It helps!

Being stuck Indoors is no fun I would rather be out with my dogs. Have fun and wrap up :)

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