Adventures In Pet Sitting - Rough Patch

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This isn't my usual type of post. Consider it an explanation of my slightly erratic 'attendance' as of late.

A few may have noticed I've been a bit MIA the last couple of days. Life sort of crashed my equilibrium, but I'm working on gaining more solid footing.


Without going into the boring details, the upshot is one of my longtime regular clients has had to drastically reduce visits for the next three months. Normally, it wouldn't be an issue to absorb the decreased income, but hubby's been laid off for six months. It's taken a while to resign myself to the circumstances and, as much as it pains me, it looks like powering down will become necessary. I just didn't want folks to get the impression I'm leaving. Quite the contrary! I'll have to increase my activity to maintain some semblance of Voting Power.

Now all I have to do is figure out to actually make Steem Power into fiat without losing half to fees. That will be an adventure in itself.

There was also a second bit of news that really threw me for a loop. I'm still checking into some details on that front, so I'll save that for a separate post. Having the weekend off work will allow me to complete that sooner rather than later.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Upvote, ReSteem,



Love and upvotes and prayers of good things coming your way! You deserve nothing but the best and peace of mind that everything will be ok. Xo dear friend

Thanks, hon, that means a lot! Hugs back atcha!

Thinking of you in these stressful times. I keep meaning to pop by your page more often. You're always busy taking care of others, now it's time to take care of yourself a bit.

Thanks so much. Sometimes I forget it's okay to do that...

It's absolutely okay to do that!

You have to do what you have to do to survive hun, I am thankful we have Steemit to turn to in times like this. Looking after your family comes first :)

Thanks for that and I know you've been through it, too. It does provide a little peace of mind to have this place as a 'cushion' for the bumpy times.

Take what you need you will soon be back earning, make sure you enjoy spending it as you have earned it :)

Sorry to hear life is rough right now. I've been through some of those patches, too, and it's no fun. Hang in there!

Thanks for the support and encouragement! It helps keep my spirits up along the way.

Oh @aunt-deb, I am so sorry that life is mud-stomping you right now. I've followed your very awesome blog since I wandered on here last year, you can count on my upvote and support, hang in there!!

Thanks, @generikat, and I am soooo stealing that phrase mud-stomping. Perfect description!

Thanks, too, for your kind words and long time support. It helps to know you're there!

Least steem has some price in it so I hope it’s not too bad and it is able to do what its suppose to—be their when you need it. I know the feeling of having to tear down something you were working toward in a way to support your short term needs by possibly sacrificing long term profits.

I wish you two the best of luck in getting back on your feed. Many hugs.

Priorities sometimes have to shift and it sucks. The great thing is Steemit will be here when you find the time to keep posting and building back up!

The price of Steem is a bright spot. I'm hoping a couple weeks worth will fill the gap and I can cancel the power down. At least it will give a bit a space to catch my breath.

Thanks for the support and encouragement. This place has become a virtual home base because of folks like you!

Sorry you are going through a rough patch. When I was in business for myself the hardest part was having the faith to hang in and keep going. Inevitably, when I would lose one client, they were soon replaced by an even better one. Word of mouth spreads fast.
If you can figure out how to power down without losing your butt let me know. It’s not for the faint of heart.
Always here for you. Thanks for sharing the good and the not so good. ❣️🐓🐓

Thanks, @mother2chicks! Yeah, it's the waiting for things to pick back up that's nerve-wracking. I'm going to have to step up marketing again as well. I always balk at that because it means 'meet n greet' with new people. Being on the shy side (yes,!), those push the limits of my comfort zone. It's worth it though to get to know new furkids and feathered friends. Sigh... now I'm just whining. Lol!

I always hesitate to share the 'not so good'. Don't want to be a drag, plus this is my happy place - corny as that sounds. But, it great to know it's safe to vent where folks will understand. That means a LOT!

On the power down, I'm going to try just two or three weeks, then maybe stop the power down and see what happens from there. Once I figure out the mechanics of it, that is...

Awww....big rabbit hugs sent your way. Sorry you're having a rough time. Hope things get better soon.

Thanks, @marxrab! Bunny hugs make everything better... Skittles to Marx for helping!

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