Living a Boundless Life Episode #1

in #life7 years ago

We all have things we feel we can't do...

For example, for the longest time, I thought I couldn't own my own business.

I told myself stories like, "that's only for people who have money", or "that's only for people who have experience", or "others tell me it's too hard so it must be too hard".

Once I saw that my stories, were actually what was holding me back, I was able to create a successful online business.

You see, it is actually us who holds ourselves back from doing things, because we told ourselves we couldn't.

Some examples:
I can never lose weight
I can never date a pretty girl or cute guy
I can never trust anyone

It can even be much smaller:
I don't have time to go to the gym
I don't have time to eat healthy
I don't have time to be nice to people
I can't get to that place on such short notice

Let's start by picking one thing

In this first episode, the goal will be for you to distinguish one area you've been holding yourself back in.

Write this down or think about it.

Now ask yourself, why can't you do this thing? What reason did you tell yourself?

Now ask yourself: is what you told yourself true in actuality?

Now tell yourself what you want to do.

And tell yourself the reasons you said you can't do it.

Now I want you to believe that if you do this thing, someone will bring you a million dollars in a suitcase.

Suddenly that thing you said you couldn't do is possible right?

The only thing that changed is the reason you told yourself you could or couldn't do it.

So now, with this in mind, can you do the thing you told yourself you couldn't?

Even if it means shifting other things around, you absolutely can.

See you in the next episode.



Don't set arbitrary limits on yourself! Thanks for the good post

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