in #life6 years ago (edited)

If you're reading this, you survived. You won 2018, and you can store that on your shelf.

So I came to drop by some things that I think will help set the mood and help make 2019 an even better year, one of personal progress as well as the greater societal shift towards a better world.

Because we see problems with others, but how often do we look within ourselves?

These doctrines are spreading, and so I offer three struggles of life that we can apply smarter critical thinking towards: Dating, Money, and Politics.

Dating: It's time to chill.

I could reduce this to Sex, however there are some of us that would rather have a little more out of our relationships, Sure, that girl is F I N E, but can she really enjoy picnics underneath the stars?

For attracting people, it helps to understand the science: When you don't know yourself, you tend to accept many vibrations from others that don't really fit with you. These vibes interfere and causes disharmony, morphing and shifting the vibe you're supposed to have, the one truest to yourself.

The more you churn out the influences that don't serve you, be them friends, thought patterns, and habits, the more your vibe begins to really reflect your inner self.

See what happens once this occurs: People that are for you, will be attracted to you.

So maybe it'll be that girl you think is gorgeous sitting with her friends, and then she looks back at you. Or for my ladies out there, you could be having a bad day and your dream actor just so happens to see your dropped books and he picks them up for you. Electromagnetically, you want constructive interference -- it could also be true that opposites attract just because of how opposing they are.

But seriously. Be yourself and stop caring about whether or not that dream person is by your side or just waiting to interact with you.

"It's ok buddy you'll find her someday".

Money: Be above it. Debt and bills do not control you -- YOU control you.

The money is simply a tally system, where the more you do for the world, the more tallies you have.

Impact the world. Change your life. Be in the position where you get paid so much, that you don't even care for money anymore.

Or carry that philosophy, that money doesn't control you. Yes, it can control your situation for now, but ultimately consider your goals already done and money is just the roadblock to overcome for it.

But ugh, money. It fucks up relationships endlessly. Perhaps the worst one of all is with yourself.

And check this out -- money isn't even real.

Sure, it exists as paper with numbers on it, or digits in a database, but that's not real money. Real money is beyond the scope of even gold and silver. Improve your life with blessings and see where the real money is, where the real value of life lives.

The Political Climate: W H O C A R E S 2 0 1 9

Seriously, we want to leave this perpetual drama in 2018. It seems that the western world is simply falling apart and it's shown on the news as constantly negative information: You can't trust your government.

And indeed, you can't -- you shouldn't. If I need to pull up articles to support that, then you haven't really been involved to have much of a problem with it.

We get it, the world is rigged. The businesses that control the money, control our media, our products, and to an extent our culture. The government accepts lobbying and gerrymandering like it's a perfectly fine thing. Socialism could work this time........

But whatever. Personally I'm sick of the debates, the arguing, the constant having to prove you're right or the other person's wrong. Who really cares? If you do care, you're doing something about it.

Otherwise it's just an echo chamber, a circle jerk, and an endless debate in the "YouTube comments section" of the world. History unfolds before our eyes, every day, but you have an endless need to prove that you're right and social media is there for that.

But anyways 🐸☕

What things do you feel we can improve upon so that the world doesn't end before 2020? Comment below. Don't forget to like and support the content!

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