Life is unfair, so what?

in #life5 years ago

"Life is so unfair!" Bob muttered.

Many of us say that everyday and every minute but nothing has really changed.
Life is unfair, so what?
Should i bare your pains? Should i carry your cross? Should i pay your bills or fix your broken and tattered relationship? No! I can't!

I'm not the reason for your pains, you are the cause of everything you are passing through. You made yourself broke, you spoilt that relationship, you are the cause of your job loss.

No one owes you an explanation for anything going on in your life. You are the architect of your own life. What you are experiencing are the effects of your beliefs.

Do you believe life is unfair? If yes, Life will be unfair.
Our beliefs affect our reality, what we believe alters our life. If negative thoughts occupies your mind, you are bond to have negative experiences in all you do.
[Artist: Pen_ash]

Knowing why is not enough, you need to know HOW!
Changing your thought pattern is simple, it require a manual and conscious effort. The mind is influenced with any of the five sense organs which means we can trick it into behaving the way we want.
To change your negative thoughts to positive one, you will need to draft out your thoughts on a piece of paper, e.g.


As simple as this process may seem, it has a deep and strong psychological and spiritual implications. Writing sends a message to the mind through the eye deceiving it to believe that you have a good job. Note that the sentence must be in presence tense.

After writing it out, make it an habit to read it aloud before going to bed and before going out for the day.

Start your life anew, stop blaming life for your failures but demand from life what you deserve!
The truth is that no one cares!
No one cares if you die of hunger or you been not laid for weeks!!

Take full responsibility for everything in your life!!


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