#Boy: Why are the joints?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Youth is introduced in different life times of both men and women. But youth does not happen at the same time both of them - it happens at different times. Before the arrival of women, something happens to men. In the summer, men's youth came from eighteen to twenty years. In the temperate country - that is, the youth of the Indian subcontinent came from youth to age twenty-five to twenty-five years old. Women's youths arrive in the country from the age of fourteen to the age of 16- and in the temperate country from eighteen to twins. And the arrival of men and women is the age of the boy: the Jadhakal.

Literally, puberty refers to changes in the body for sexual maturity. It does not include psychosocial and cultural role in the development of adolescents. Adolescence is a psychological and social transition between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence, however, is affected by puberty, but it can not be defined precisely as the outline of the discussion. Discussion of adolescents is usually more prominently in the development of psychosocial and cultural and behavior than the physical changes in adolescence.

The difference between boy and daughter puberty

Two of the major differences between puberty between son and daughter begin with puberty. And it involves the main sex steroids. A comparison diagram of the physical growth of children and adolescents. Puberty is indicated in green color right.

1. Vial steaming hormone - FSH

2. Luteinizing Hormones - LH

3. Progesterone

4. Estrogen

5. Hypothalamus

6. Pituitary gland

7. The ovaries

8. Pregnancy - hCG (human coronic gonadrotropin)

9. Testosterone

10. Testimony

11. Incentives

12. Prolactin - PRL

Although there is a wide variation between the normal age range of puberty, but the process of adolescence of average boys starts 1-2 years before the boys (average age: 9-14 years for girls, and boys 10-17 years) and they are completed in a short time. In the first four years after the first signs of puberty were seen, girls got their height and reproduction perfection. In this case, the growth of boys is slightly slower, but they also get complete fulfillment in the six years of puberty change.

For men, testosterone is the major sexual steroids. Shortly after the testosterone effects, all the masala properties were released. Estrodol is one of the major steroids that results from the chemical conversion of testosterone in men. Although its limitations are slower and longer than girls. The growth of boys is accelerating more than the girls, the more slowly; And until this epiphase is not added, this growth exists. Before the start of puberty, boys in height are more than 2 cm An adult male is an average 13 cm in comparison to an adult. (5.2 inches) shorter.

Increases in women are defined by estradiol and estrogen hormones. Where the atriaodol helps in breast and cervical growth. This is the main hormone that accelerates adolescence and causes apophysial maturation and is completed. The increase in the estradiol limit is more and more of the girls than the boys.

The beginning of puberty

Adolescence begins with the high frequency of GnRH (GNRH), which increases the absorption of sexual hormones. The reasons for GNR increase continue steadily. Puberty is usually 55 Kg of male And 47 kg of girls Starts with weight. This difference in body weight is due to increase in GNRH, which increases the demand of leptin (one type of protein hormone). It is known that leptin acts as a receptor in hypothalamus, which synthesizes GNRH. It is found that those who are delayed from stimulating their leptin are also late to start puberty. Changes in leptin begin at the beginning of puberty, and end up with adult reception. Although early puberty may change due to hereditary reasons.

Signs of physical changes of the boy and girl

First of all girls and boys, the advent of girls' youth. But there is a delay in the advent of boys. Below are signs of physical changes of boys and girls:

Physical changes in boys' case:

The skin is heavy, the line becomes clear in the mustache, the hair is in the armpit and shame, the sperm or energy is created in the body, the psychological changes occur.

Scorpion size, work, and capacity

The growth of testis in boys is the first symptom of puberty. Call it Gonadarche. By the beginning of puberty from one year of age, the progress of boys' testicles is very low. The average calculation is about 2-3 cc. (Cubic centimeter / thick centimeter) and length is 1.5-2 cm. The growth of testicles begins with puberty, and after six years, the maximum mature size is attained. When the average size is 18-20 cc, although there is a great difference between the general population.

The testicles have two primary functions: firstly the production of hormones and secondly sperm production. Ladygroup produces testosterone (which is discussed below), which is the reason for most changes in the sexual maturity of men. Apart from this, sex is controlled. The period of sperm production of men, and the development of fertility is not very specific. The presence of sperm can be seen in morning urine (and more often in some cases) during the next year's puberty change. In the boys 13 years of age, latent fertility can be seen, but 14-16 years ago, there was no full fertility. However, in some cases this process is completed very fast, just one year later.

Pelvic hair

Pelvic hair usually appears shortly after the genital mutilation begins. The boys' pubic hair is usually seen in the beginning of the penis. The first few hairs are called the second phase. The third episode starts in the next 6-12 months, when the amount of hair increases greatly. In the fourth phase, the pubic hair thickens the dense "pubic triangle". In the fifth episode, the pubic hair stretches beneath the thighs and upwards to the navel, which is called the cervical hair or abdominal hair.

Body and face hair

Within a few months of seeing pubic hair, the presence of thick hair is seen in the other parts of the body by the effects of androgen. They are called as andogenic hair. Hairstyles appear in the body in phases. The sequence of hyperbola is: Armpit hair, acne hair, mustache, sideburn hair, arrowola side hair and beard. Besides, arms, legs, chest, abdomen, and back hair became more dense. Hair is present in a large part of adult male body. However, there may be several different types of hair growth and different species. During puberty, facial hair is usually seen in a certain order. First facial hair can be seen at the top two lip; Usually at the age of 14 to 16 years. This hair gradually increases in the upper lip and becomes a mustache.

Physical changes for girls:

The feminine supernatural beauty is manifested in the body; fats gain in the hands, legs, violation, hip, etc., the breasts become enhanced, mental changes occur, the voice becomes very sweet, the desire for sex with the boys becomes very intense, about 28 days later After that there is a menstrual cycle or menstrual cycle.


As a first symptom of puberty for girls, usually a strong and soft trunk can be seen under one or both of the breast ariola. This happens at an average of 10.5 years of age. This is called the thalerase. This is the second stage of breast-breeding, also known as puberty tanar episode (the puberty, the first part of the time when the breast is equal). After 6-12 months, the breasts became swollen and soft on both sides. The extended part of the nipple can be seen and felt beyond the edge of the Ariola. This is the third phase of breeding. In the next 12 months (in the fourth episode) the breasts begin to get size and shape. Then Arriola and Papilla form together a mid-sized mound. In the case of most women (in the fifth phase), this upper part becomes matched with the initial outline or body line of the breast. Of course, it must be said that there is a difference between the size and shape of the mature breast, so the fourth and fifth episodes can not always be determined separately.

Pelvic hair

Pelvic hair is the second obvious sign of adolescence, which can be seen only within months of the threshold. It is called Pubarche, and firstly it becomes the presence of the hair around Zoni Levi. The first growing few hairs are called the second tannery episode. It reaches the third phase within 6 to 12 months. Then there is a lot of increase in the hairline and it is also seen on the pelvic floor. In the fourth episode, the pelvic hair covered the "triangular celestial" very dense. In the fifth episode, the hairline range spreads in the thighs and sometimes towards the abdominal hair as the abdominal navel. Approximation of pelvic tissue in the presence of about 15 percent of the female's breasts is observed.

Vagina, uterus and ovaries

As a result of the increase of estrogen secretion, vaginal mucosal surface is changing. It is thicker than the previous bright red vascinal mucosa of puberty, and its color becomes bright pink. The effect of estrogen usually results in white colored fluid (which is also known as harmony). The thalasses increase in the uterus and ovaries in the next two years, and the ovaries are large in size. The ovaries are usually full of small folic acid, which is understood through the ultrasound.

Menstrual period

The first menstrual period is said to be in Menarsh and it usually begins two years after the tholerase started. The average age of American girls in Maynasar is 11.75 years. Menstruation (menstrual bleeding or menstrual) in the first two years is irregular, not every month. Ovaluation is important for fertility, but ovulation may occur in the early months or may not happen again. In the first year of the first menstrual period (at the age of 13 years), 80% of females get ovate once in menstruation, 50% of female births occur in the third year (at the age of 15) and 10% of girls (at the age of about 18) in the sixth year of age.

Body size and fat

During the menstrual period, the histoles of the pelvic or hip began to grow due to the increase of the estrogen hormone limit. As a result, the birth canal is bigger. Fertile collars occur more than the parts of the female body than boys. Usually the presence of fats in the body of females is found in the two breast, hip, buttocks, thighs, upper arm, and pubis. At the age of ten, the average fat content of a female's body is only 5% higher than that of a similar age, but at the end of puberty, the difference is around 50%.

NeuroHormonal Process

The hypothalamus, pituitary, gonad, and adrenal glands consist primarily of reproductive system. Apart from this many other Tantras are involved in the body. True puberty is termed as central puberty in English, because this change begins as a process of central nervous system. The general description of hormonal puberty is given below:

The hypothalamus part of the brain starts releasing GNRH hormones, starts working outside of the pituitary gland, and LH and FSH hormones begin to leak, and it flows through blood, under the influence of LH and FSH hormone, they start working in ovaries and testes respectively. At the same time, they started producing asteroidal and testosterone, respectively, due to the increase of estradiol and testosterone in the body, adolescents were exposed to their daughter and son.

It may take 1-2 years to see this change in the neurohormonal process that started in the body.

What is menstrual menstrual period?

From the arrival of women to youth to the extent of youth, some blood and mucus comes out of women vagina every 30 days. The same is called menstrual menstrual cycle. This menstrual cycle ensures the arrival of women. In ancient traditions, women's menstrual period begins with their marriage. But nowadays, these provisions are not accepted - because the Bangladesh government has prohibited the marriage of a woman eighteen years ago.

What to do during menstrual period

1. Just after the birth of the woman's uterus is soft and sensitive. At that time no exercise, running, jump, bustle, should not skip.

2. Regular physical rest during the period of time, however, is the duty of duty.

3. Many people use excessive dirty cloths to remove menstruation or to take blood during the time of the day. They do not have to retire to see how big a wrong thing can be and how much they may be hurt for it. So it is better to use sanitary napkin or temp at this time.

4. Should not be cold in the body at the time of the night - it should not stay awake. At that time the body is weak. It may seem very cold. Awakening the night may cause damage to the body.

5. There should not be sexual intercourse with a man until the end of the weekend. The uterus may be injured in some way. This can lead to various harm. Besides, mating between menstruation is prohibited in Islam.

6. During the time of the day, hair oil, smell or perfume should not be used.

Youth time period

There are different types of temperature in different places of the world. According to this, the age of youth arrival and resistance is given as follows:

Youth arrival and intervention



The arrival of youth in the temperate country

22-25 years

18-20 years

Resist the youth in the temperate country

65-70 years

50-55 years

Arrival of youth in the summer country

18-20 years

14-16 years

Preventing youth in the summer country

55-60 years

45-50 years

Conversion Challenge

Generally adolescence changes occur between 10 to 16 years. By step by step, a child becomes increasingly mature. Various changes in physical, behavioral, and life-style. And this change comes at one time in one person's case.

The following changes can be found in puberty-

The hands, palms, legs, feet, bumps and chests are larger. At this time, some types of hormones released from the body tell the body how to grow and change.

The genitals begin to grow and hormones begin to grow from them.

The skin becomes more oily.

Armpits, arms, legs and genital hair appear.

Adolescence body care

Some common procedures for body care during adolescence-

During puberty sweat is more. The body is fresh and soft when bathing.

To avoid tooth decay and stomach, teeth should be used at least twice a day.

The oil-glands emit more sebum (oily substance) in puberty, so there is acne in the mouth. Acne is normal for acne, it can not be completely eradicated. The best way to keep skin clean is to

It is very important to eat nutritious food this time. It is better to avoid more sweet or fried foods.

Always have to think positive. Because, good health is also needed for good health.

Walking with parents in puberty

Adolescents have a change in thinking. This creates the possibility of distance with parents. As a result, the things that should be kept in mind is that

Be proud about your family

Respect the parents' beliefs and values.

It is important to remember that the mother-father needs the best of the child.

Being honest, talking with parents openly.

Take care of your parents, respect them

Patience Health


Mental health

At the end of childhood and at the beginning of puberty, mental problems arise. These problems include unrest, behavior, anxiety, depression, eating-calling noise, inconsistency of sexual behavior, drug use etc. The problem solving skills, social skills and self-confidence can keep these mental problems slightly away. Health workers need expertise to provide counseling and other mental health support in such a situation as early as possible.

Use of drugs

By law, a healthy development environment can be created by restricting the sale of alcoholic beverages such as alcohol and tobacco. As well as raising awareness of the harmful aspects of drugs in adolescents and enhancing the ability to overcome mental stress, it is possible to keep them away from its use.

Unintentional injury

Reducing road accidents is a safeguard against untoward injury during adolescence. There is a need to take some measures such as speed control of the vehicle.

Violent behavior

Child and adolescent education programs and social development programs help children reduce their violent behavior. Helping parents and teachers to create problem solving skills and to practice nonviolent behaviors can be effective in reducing violent behavior. Sensitive care and treatment can be effective in reducing adolescent behavior. For this, sympathetic healthcare and skilled health workers. Continuous social and emotional support can help adolescents overcome long-term mental problems and reduce their crime.

Childhood malnutrition can be a source of physical and social problems throughout life. It is necessary to solve this malnutrition problem at a young age. If you have the opportunity to get good food during childhood, it will be helpful in adolescence. The main malnourishment of adolescents is anemia. Pregnancy and prevention of malnutrition before certain ages can reduce the rate of infant and maternal mortality during childbirth. Proper nutrition and regular exercise in puberty can prevent various infectious diseases at an early age.

Sexual and reproductive health

Sexual and reproductive health-related adolescents awareness programs and programs to raise this education should be shared jointly. Along with this, it should be done by adding projects related to prevention and availability of treatment. Adolescents should fight against sexual harassment at different levels. It is necessary to take active initiatives to enforce law, enforce, and public opinion with the provision of punishment against it. Resistance against women's sexual harassment should be done at work place, school and other places of society.

The need to apply the laws regarding the minimum age of marriage to prevent unborn pregnancy. Besides, to raise a child to become a woman, she has to raise awareness about her family and society so that she gets enough time.


Puberty sexual debut time. The potential for HIV infection at this time is strong. Creating awareness about abstinence from adolescence and sexual behavior is one of the main goals of HIV prevention activities. In addition to this, the purpose of this project is to promote sexually suggestive teenagers, reduce the number of partners, so that the condoms are taken in a national action plan.

Adolescents with HIV have adequate medical, support, positive prevention services. Young people in planning and system planning and delivery of all HIV related services among young people should be involved.

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