The Temptation To Go Fulltime Steemian Is HUGE! What Should I Do?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Jump Onboard The Steem Train by @azurejasper

I want to jump on board of the Steem train as the cryptoart by @azurejasper shows so beautifully!

I know this sounds crazy.

But the desire to let go of my job and to become a fulltime Steemian is HUGE!


I do not feel like I am able to give my full 100% to Steem with a joyful energy and a sharp focus because of my work.

I have changed job locations and now have to ACTUALLY do work instead of hanging out on Steemit all day.

And honestly, it annoys the HELL out of me.

Because I used to be able to spend atleast 9 hours a week on Steemit and now that is no more.

Plus I do not enjoy my work as much as I used.

I am just SO fully dedicated to making amazing things on the platform, connecting with people from all across the globe and making my little corner of the Steemiverse a good one.

My shiz is growing and becoming it's own thing and it's wonderful.

But I feel that spending 30 hours a week at a job is just not fulfilling me or this mission whatsoever.

In theory,

I could do it.

I could let go of my job and just fully dedicate my time to Steemit and being the best Steemian I can be.

Especially now with the price of Steem soaring way up into the atmosphere.

But of course, it is still a risk.

A risk I think is worth taking.

But a risk nonetheless.

What do you say Steemit friends?
What are your ideas on this?
Do you think I should do it?

Please tell me your thoughts

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


I can feel what you're saying and it's a dillemma, but my 2 cents on it is to continue doing your full time job with a plan to phase out gradually as you see your solid income from steemit grow till you reach the point where that income is paying your basic bills, then it's time to jump off the full time job train and dedicate all your time to growing your steemit business. There's a book I recommend that will give you some nice insights into that transition journey: "The 10% Entrepreneur: Live your dream without quiting your job" by Patrick J. McGinnis

Thank you for this.
I've decided to start working two days a week!

I will check the book out!

Great. Good luck with it. Let me know what you think of the book after you check it out :)

I'm right there with you, I really want to start steemiting fulltime. Right now my plan is to work at least through March and try to grow my standing here on steemit so I can safely support my current lifestyle, or something close.

I'd quit now, but I need to support my family and pay my mortgage. The struggle is real haha.

I say do it if you can!

Yeah I am thinking the same!

Gradually start working less and less :)

Let's stay in contact and keep eachother updated!

Sounds good! I got you followed, love the blog so far

What blows my mind is that while SBD is over $10USD I almost make ask much on steem as I do at my full time job. If I was not the 'bread winner' in my home I would have went full time steem about a month ago. That being said it may not be wise since SBD could easily go back to $1USD at any time.

Yeah I get you.
It's because I 'earn' WAY more than I do on Steem than I do at my dayjob that I am considering this.
I just have faith in steem and believe that this is only the start :)

I think it is only up from here in the long term. There will always be pull backs but if STEEM can keep a stair step pattern we all will be very comfortable.

I'm already doing this.

2018 i'm full time steemit.

Let's ride this together and help each other.

How is it going?

Tell me :)

I will start this year, in fact next week. I was in vacation visiting my parents.

I produce events and videos. I will upload this facts here.

With my videos i earn about $15 on YouTube.

With the same video here, i made close $100.

Het is altijd beter om spijt te hebben van dingen die je WEL hebt gedaan, dan spijt te hebben van dingen die je NOOIT hebt geprobeerd.

Ben het helemaal met je eens!

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve"-Napolean Hill.

What I have to say is, believe in yourself and go ALL IN. Life is too short to be living in doubt. (:

I do agree with you hehe

The sheer possibility of giving up a job to fully dedicate to Steemit is absolutely amazing and incredible. I haven't been here long and that's something I can only dream of at the moment.

Then I see posts like yours of people who haven't been on Steemit for that long (I read another article about a travel blogger who joined six months ago and is already making a full-time living on Steemit), so that definitely inspires. My goal is to get on that level, so thanks a lot for inspiring me and many others.

Love your Humans of Steemit project btw! :)


PS: Are you Dutch? I'm seeing a Dutch comment above me here so I figured I'd ask, haha. In case you are, doe zo verder :)


I believe that with a lot of effort, it can definitely be achieved!

Yes I am part Dutch and I live in Holland :)

You too?

Awesome! I'm a neighbor actually, I live in the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium. :)

Ik besef net dat ik dit even goed in het Nederlands had kunnen zetten, haha.

Ha, nog iemand die Nederlands spreekt! ;-)

Team NL in opmars :)

Zit je op de NLse Discord?

Jep, ik zit bij de Lions Legion. Dan zal ik je daar wel nog eens tegenkomen, haha ;)

Haha! Inderdaad, dan zie ik je daar! :-)

It's an exciting thought and so hopeful for so many people!

After reading your post, chatting with your and considering comments below I would definitely say: optimize your Steemit time, but also consider what would happen if SBD drops in price - if you can financially survive a few months: go for it! If you can't: maybe just go work half days or a day less to start with :-)

I do wish your life to be as much as possible dedicated to the things you love most! Good luck :D

Thank you dear.

And there is definitely truth to what you are saying!

I feel the same way!!!! Days I don't feel like writing turn into two or three, and then I don't get paid!!! You would really have to manage your schedule so that you put in the hours, but I wish you the best no matter what you do!!!

I knowww right?? hihi

Thank you dearie

I am only a month old minnow, and I was destined to quit my job anyway because it was breaking my soul (i am a social worker if that gives you any clues as to how traumatic every single day was). I quit before I was financially ready, aka with absolutely no net. I am terrified because I am also a homeowner and a single mom. But I do know my value. So I’m just moving forward every minute, best I can, to translate my value into $$$.

Here is what I am doing:

  1. I was working the stressful job for 2 years to gain clinical hours toward licensure, and am about to test. Once licensed, I will be opening a private practice in 2018 and can take health insurance. That is one income stream.
  2. I just pitched a peer support group idea for some startup funding from a local womens group. It seems promising but still unknown.. but thats another income stream.
  3. I am applying like crazy to ANY part time job at all. I dont want to, but if I have to get on food stamps and stuff temporarily while I get my plans working, so be it. So coffee shops, pet stores.. you name it I am applying.
  4. I am working every day on Steemit. I love it here. Its rewarding just being here, but I am also doing everything I can to strategically plan for growth.
  5. Freelance writing and editing. I have one 2 month gig lined up, and am out networking to find the next.. and the next...

These are my plans. Its a lot. But I am still happy i quit my job. I hope and pray I can make it to dolphin status in 2018! That would be a huge amazing accomplishment! If anyone wants to start a “how to get free from our dayjobs” discord, or if one exists, let me know! It would be great to keep sharing ideas and support. Take care!

Good lucky ladybug!!

I wish you all the best and please keep me updated on how it's going!

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