🌻Have Your Emotional Breakdown! It's Probably The Best Thing For You! (My Own Personal Story Of My Meltdown Last Night)🌻

in #life6 years ago

Last night, I had a complete and total utter meltdown.
It was just absolutely horrendous.

Yet SO needed.

It is when my whole being just breaks down and surrenders to all the shit that is happening, that is when true magical transformation happens.

And this is EXACTLY what happened last night.

The whole day I was feeling a little wobbly because I had to do quite a few things.

Meet up with two friends (okay, that’s not horrible), pick up a package, head to a shop to pay for something, get some groceries, author the @ocd post, make up the bed, put a load of washing in, do the wash-up and I wanted to get a new pair of trousers.

Plus the deep throbbing pain of my monthly bleed were not making it any better.

It was just UGH.

And it just seemed like a hell of a lot to do.

And I was just rushing all over the place.

And it was overwhelming me.

And I wasn’t going to get everything done and I knew it and it bothered me.

And I was stressed.

And I was emotional.

And I was feeling bloated and fat.

And I was feeling like I was neglecting not only myself but also my relationship.

And I was feeling utterly worthless.

It was just fucking horrible.

And the pressure kept building and building until my beloved showed his disappointment in me which made me just BREAK in half.

I just split open.

Surrendered to all the pain and hurt.

Just gave into it all.

Felt deeply into it.

And damn, how I ached inside.

How useless and worthless I felt.

The negative thoughts that popped up into my head were staggeringly depressive.

I didn’t know I housed such destructive thoughts and ideas towards myself.

It was epicly sad how much pain I was feeling.

And what does the man do that loves me with all of his heart?

He just holds me.

Cuddles me close to him so that I know I am loved and safe.

Which makes me cry even more of course.

He just holds space for me.


So I can let go of anything that wants to come out.

And goodness me, it came out alright.

A torrential wave of sadness.

It was so sad yet so beautiful.

And so incredibly ‘on time’.

Because after the sad-storm passed over and the calm had sort of come back.

I could clearly see in which areas of my life a change has to happen.

Where am I not living my truth?
Where am I not being ultimately happy?
What is not serving me anymore?

The cloudy veil of fakeness and un-authenticness has been lifted and I can see it all now.

So crystal clear.

And now there is no choice anymore.

I cannot even hide it.

The intention for change has been made and there is no stopping that now.

How grateful I am to fully dive deep into the surrender of all my feelings.

They teach me so much.

And it reminds me.

I am my own greatest teacher.

I am my own Guru.

And as long as I stay true to whatever I am feeling, surrendering to it, honouring it, I know that I am on my path.

An honest, loving and real path.

Where authenticity and realness lie.

A path that acknowledges the duality of the world we live in and flows within it.

Fully enjoys it.

I am whole with all of who I am.

The good.
The bad.
The ugly.
The beautiful.
The weird.
The wonderful.
The neutral.
The exciting.

The whole damn fucking lot!

Here’s to surrender.
Here’s to being in the flow.
Here’s to pain.
Here’s to clarity.
Here’s to you for reading this.

Art by @katharsisdrill who'll get SBD for making art and putting it under the CC tag!

BIG love,


Steemit Ashley Kalila.png

Sharing Authentically.png


My LoveProject is @humansofsteemit! Featuring the humans behind the Steemit usernames!


breakdown show that we are humans and not everything is in our control sometimes we need help when we can hold it all together, that is life

Woow .... nice

It takes a courageous heart to surrender to being 'The whole damn fucking lot!' :) Thanks for sharing the inspiration of your breakdown. :)

And as long as I stay true to whatever I am feeling, surrendering to it, honouring it, I know that I am on my path.

It is when we acknowledge the pain, that we are not okay and that the world is not all rainbows that we are able to heal and get better.

I am glad that you have him. A great support system is very valuable to your emotional, mental and physical welfare.

We are always here when you need us Ashley.

your life story really fantastic of immotional breakdown.this is a good story in my life.i found new idea of your story breakdown.thank u very much for ur good post sharing.

Nice post with good writing ! Thanks for sharing with us. Up voted from @chanthasam

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oo god I have those days too, and they can be induced by so many things that I am to sensitive in front of, I build up anger, pain and disappointment, until my emotional state is so stretched, that I need to break down, I even feel physical pain, and feel the need to cause more, like the physical would cover the mental and emotional.
I sometimes bite my lip so hard or push my nails into my fist and only something or someone outside myself can calm me down.
and you are so wright the best cure is love and respect for yourself.
I'will continue learning to love myself :)
luv you for sharing this too :P

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