What Has Real Value?

in #life7 years ago


I have been talking to my mom a lot lately about life and what is really valuable. Even if you don't have a dollar or a Bitcoin or any other "currency" to your name, you are still rich beyond measure. There is a lot of talk on here about cryptocurrencies. And I am definitely for ANYTHING that can peacefully overthrow government and the current financial system. But what never seems to get talked about is what has real value.

Love, time, attention/focus, energy, dreams/desires, imagination/creativity: these are the real currencies of life. Everyone has access to all of the above, no matter who they are, where they are, or how much they "own." We can never really own anything anyway. When you die or transition to your next incarnation, you take nothing but who you were (your experiences and memories) with you.

If we truly want to create a better world, it is important that we focus on those things that really matter: What kind of a person are we? Are we acting from a place of love, cooperation, and abundance every moment or are we acting from a place of fear, competition, and lack? Are we doing unto others as we would have them do unto us? Are we truly being authentic to ourselves and heeding the siren's song of our heart? If this was our last day on Earth, could we truly die peacefully and with no regrets?

People get so focused on making money, owning stuff, investing, insuring their wealth, etc. that it seems like it becomes what their life is all about. And that seems really sad to me. You cannot take it with you. It is not what has real and lasting value in a life. Those who live a life filled with love are truly the richest people in the world.


Very true words @artwithheart! It is a shame that most people do not realise this and those who do, far too late. It is the prison for our minds that has so many of us trapped in the consumption lifestyle, deliberately forced upon us by those who have the ability to convince us it is in our best interest and who have the ability also to convince us that this is what life should be. We are all children in their eyes and this is definitely a good analogy as that is how we act.

Great post my friend!

Thank you @tonyr. Yes, we are definitely treated like children and damn if we don't act like it too. But some of us are fully grown adults, and we are not taking this crap anymore. As more of us awaken into our power, we will change the world. I did not incarnate to dream small, haha.

But some of us are fully grown adults, and we are not taking this crap anymore.

I can definitely agree with this! I don't take any shit! :)

Attention is what I consider most valuable, because what ever I "pay" attention to is where energy goes. "Where attention flows, energy flows." 😊

Attention is definitely a valuable currency that a majority of people actually use against their own happiness and fulfillment. You obviously know better though. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

excellent writing

While many people are indeed focused on their wealth I think a vast majority of people are running after money in the hamster wheel just to make ends meet.

I'm having great hope in the concept of basic income. While a lot of paid work done nowadays can be considered pretty pointless there's even more useful work that can be automated. Basic income could close the gap there so we can work less and have more time for the essential things you mentioned.

@gess I am open to the idea of a basic income for all. When someone is in survival mode, they don't think about anything more, anything bigger. The current financial system is definitely a rigged game meant to keep people on the hamster wheel. I would love to see an end to it and the beginning of something free and fair for all.

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