Anxiety and Art

in #life6 years ago

These kinds of post may or may not continue as I'm unsure about my writing about my life as a whole but I wanted to give you guys a little peek into my life.

I rarely post details about my life or my mental illness. You see a little sliver of what's going on. Everyday of my life I'm battling it you can't visibly see it but it's mental illness. I openly speak about it because I want to get rid of the stigma around it. Right now I'm facing some majorly anxiety driving situations. My housing has always been unstable at best I've been homeless before and countless times have had my housing in jeopardy. I'm a part of a government program at the moment now they recently dealt with my landlord. He told me nothing about this he talked about two things with them one was that we were messy and the second was that he wanted to move his nephew in. I will admit I do have hoarding tendencies and just recently got connected with an agency because of the social outreach worker we have connected with because of this situation. The landlord can't move his nephew as it's illegal here. The anxiety though doesn't go away though it sits there and rots the rest of my brain. The swirling thoughts are just there making me unable to art because they consume my whole being. I have begun to color physically though but these pieces take me much longer to finish. I'm frustrated with myself as I had plans so many plans for much more content and even potentially writing a couple posts a day. I even wanted to set up a regular posting schedule but alas it won't happen right now. Maybe this will just blow over on Monday who knows. I wanted to thank the followers who engage with me even if they just upvote it feels great to be supported by all of you. I understand the anxiety. Also this is not a cry out for fundraising I just needed to get this out any advice or thoughts is greatly appreciated too.



Hi, I think your bravery is admirable. I am a arts collective co-founder and have curated two meaningful exhibitions called Ekphrasis. In 2017 it was about mental health called an Exploration of the Mind Body Soul. We as artists struggle with our own level of mental health challenges.
If you're interested, here's our site. We invited our city's resources as well. Haven't entered all the artwork yet.

hello @artsygoddess,
Well done dude I know how hard it can be to pour your heart out on here, I think this post is a good way to process and address this.
I think there should be more talk about these struggles all over the place but in general.
The Steemit community has proved my demons wrong every time, So much support has made me spill my guts out more and more.

While I know some about this for personal experience and from chatting to you on discord to see you share this has helped you and anyone else who is suffering and struggling with similar demons that may read this. Hugs and good vibes being sent your way : ).

Definitely there should be more discussion on it and thank you for the support.

Good for you for speaking up on this important topic. We absolutely have to talk about it. I have struggled with depression. So crucial to take care of yourself. Good for you on that one too.

Life can be so hard. Adding to that, struggles of the mind are an overbearing weight lording over us all. I do believe we all have varying degrees of mental illness. I really don't like that classification, tbh. We do not all have extreme forms of it, but deep down, in at least one moment of everyone's life, I believe it's experienced. I wish people could see it that way too because that's bring more compassion and understanding.

I'm sorry that you are in what sounds like a very difficult situation that you've been in before. Its hard sharing these things but you could use support right now. It's not easy to put yourself out there. Wishing for this to blow over soon. Chin up girl!

I have to deal with anxiety and depression on a regular basis, so I know a bit about what you're going through. Anxiety can be very disruptive in your life, pushing everything else aside. I hope you can get this worked out.

Bravo to you for posting this! It takes a lot of courage to write a post like this, but you did a good job putting thoughts into words. Have you tried channeling your feelings into your art? It might help to start with a blank piece of paper, and paint/draw/color whatever you are feeling onto the paper... Just a thought. Big hugs to you, and thank you for sharing this. Many of us here care about you and you are in our thoughts. Please keep us posted...💙

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