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RE: Opportunity at an Inopportune Time: A Short Ramble About My Night of Not Sleeping, My Dog, and a Job Interview

in #life6 years ago

Thank you.

I just got back from having him put down. He was in a lot of pain at the end and I know that I did the right thing to end that suffering but I really feel like shit about doing it. I stayed with him until the end and I guess that was the best I could do but I am pretty upset at the moment. Seeing it happen was the worst.

Yeah, most of my dad's side is still around. My mom's side all died young. I am 1/4 Mexican on her side and I can rember my Mexican grandmother singing to me in spanish and giving me awful Mexican candy (which I loved back then lol) but she died when I was 5 or 6. I never knew that grandfather (he was Irish-American) but I met some of his brothers. One was a horder. He was a super nice guy and he took care of my one cool cousin after his parents died so I can forgive his messy house lol.

There are still a few hoops that I have to jump through to get the job but the interview went very well and the lady said that she was going to suggest that I be one of the 16 that they are bringing on so things are looking good.

I plan to keep writing. I might have to cut back to 3 posts a week but that is about where I am now so there should be no big change. I will just have to split the work over two days instead of sitting down and starting and finishing my posts all at once.


I just got back from having him put down.

I'm so sorry @artisticscreech. This is making me sad too...

I think the job may distract you a bit... I hope you get it.

I will just have to split the work over two days instead of sitting down and starting and finishing my posts all at once.

I think I might do the same now that I have some other things going on too. I don't like to sacrifice quality either.

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