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RE: I Live Far Away from the 'Happiness' Ads

in #life6 years ago

"The truth is, everyone is affected. Me too. I still get affected by the advertisements subconsciously."

Very true.You have seen that I write about propaganda and marketing and all that and I always say that we can do our best to shield ourselves from it but that is not perfect and it gets to the best of us just the same as everyone else sometimes.

"However, I see it's going to change soon enough as this region is getting more developed" It is a slow spread but it is coming everywhere. It started a long time ago here but it is still happening. First big grocery stores ate all the markets. Then Wal-Mart came and started to eat all the big grocery stores. People are happy because they are promised convenience but they trade most of their choice and lose all of the charm of the way things used to be.


I remember your post about this topic. People are happy with the convenience of having everything in one place. All the products from other continents, or what you want for breakfast can easily be bought now. But yeah, it kills all the other small businesses and loses the charm of the way things used to be. And there are only a few people getting massive profit from all of these.

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