I'm (Probably) Back: Rambling about Going to Work and Coming Home after a Long Absence

in #life6 years ago (edited)


It has been a while since I've been active on this site and coming back here feels like coming home again. I didn't quit out of frustration with the with the way things were going. Even with the low crypto prices, my posts are still worth far more on Steemit than they are on Facebook or Twitter. Instead, my absence can be blamed on my new job. I don't want to doxx myself by giving out too many details but it is enough to say that I am working for an old institution in this country, I'm part of a union which comes with job security (something that I have never really had before now), and despite the backbreaking, psychical nature of the work, I am getting paid fairly well for my time.

I am certainly overjoyed to find that sort of employment but it has left me with little time for much else. It would be nice to return home to Steemit with tales of exciting adventures and interesting events that have filled my life over the past few months but boring nights and busy days are all there really is to tell you about. However, I have had the opportunity to meet some interesting people while I have been slaving away. It was unexpected to run into coworkers like myself. That is to say, I keep meeting partially reformed rebels working for an institution that, on the surface, feels very official and extremely straight laced. 

That disconnect between the institution and the people it is composed of is interesting. I am forced to wonder if the official nature of the job is what actually creates opportunity for outsiders like myself. In most of the working world, I always got the impression that nepotism and the whims of the individuals who do the hiring and firing rule the employment process. Where I find myself now is somewhere near the bottom of a giant bureaucracy and that comes with its own issues, to be sure, but it has also allowed me entrance without the benefit of knowing someone with power on the inside and without the need to use my best wordsmithing skills to "hard sell" myself to a single person who "holds the keys to the kingdom." 

The chance to be given a career like this is something that I am grateful for but, more than that, it goes to show that it is hard to write things off as wholly good or bad. It is popular (and rightly so) to talk about everything that is wrong with bureaucratic institutions. They can be frustrating and they can make us long for the freedom that is afforded to us in other sorts of industry but they do some things very well. I don't want to get deep into a philosophical discussion about this but it is an issue that will require some thought incorporate into my own world view. The "machine" is a cruel beast but it can also provide us with wondrous treasures, at times, I suppose.

As the title of this post suggests, I am hoping to return to a more regular writing schedule here. I don't know exactly, how often that will be but it shouldn't be months between posts anymore. I miss this place despite its ongoing issues and frustrations, I like a lot of the people here, and, as I said, it feels like home to me.  

That's it for today. I will try to produce something that is more in line with my regular content next time but I just kind of wanted to let everyone know what has been going on with me recently. I hope all is well with everyone.


All the images in this post are sourced from the free image website, unsplash.com.


Good to see you, congrats on being productive and I'm glad you'll find time to drop in once in a while.

Thanks. Yeah my scheduled changed so I have a little more time now. I was working 12 hour days for a while there. Now I am at 8 (on a typical day) so that is pretty manageable.

So much synchronicity, you speak from my ehart. Everything has gotten better for me since I started to find a way to walk the line between the empire and my aspirations. Especially because of the longterm vision that tightrope-walk will help me accomplish in the coming months.
Thanks man, great to have you back <3

Thank you. Haha yeah I had to do something and the opening was there so I went for it.

Its hard to find that balance sometimes but if you do it can open a lot of doors. You can still be happy and have more in return for the time and effort that you give up.

I am super tired all the time now though lol.

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