I'm Mostly Back: A Rare and Really Sad Personal Blog Post that Started Life as an Update on my Content

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I normally don't like to give updates about my content or Steemit activities because I would be rather be producing my content but I also know more than a few users here have written "I am taking a few days off" posts, like I did, only to never return or be heard from again. I just went through and unfollowed a bunch of dead accounts today and I saw a lot of that type of thing, in fact. Anyway, because that is the case, I wanted to let everyone know that I have not ended my career as a Steemit author. In fact, I spent the better part of this evening working on one of my regular posts but I am also pretty exhausted (due to some real life issues) and that post still needs some heavy editing before it is up to my personal standards and that is more work than I can realistically do before I crawl off to bed and try to get some sleep.

Aside from the Steemit issues and the delays that they caused (which we are probably all tired of hearing about), my content may still be a little slower than usual (I would like to still write at least three posts per week for the time being and I think that is very doable, though) because things have been a little rough in real life. I wrote about my sick grandfather several weeks ago and he is doing a little better but he needs a lot of help. A relative's husband also, quite suddenly, passed away. I make no claim to having been close to either my relative or her husband but there have been some obligatory family visits, people coming to town, and the like. However, the thing that has really worn on me is my dog.


He is rather old and I think that he is not doing well. I know it might seem like a misplaced emotion (given the other recent events that have happened around me) but I have a particularly strong bond with that animal. He came to live with me when he was six or seven weeks old and I have never spent more than a night or two away from him. I even chose caring for him over a relationship once. He had to have knee surgery because he had hurt his leg pretty bad while he was playing and that meant that he needed almost constant care. The girl did not like that I chose to be with my dog over her but I still feel like it was the better option. He was never obedient or "submissive" on the way that "trainers" want dogs to be but he did not need to be (plus, I really don't like how a lot of those people treat those dogs). He is smart, he is excellent at reading situations, and he is always pretty "good" to begin with. He is extremely independent and fiercely protective over his family (even now, with his failing health and all). Sadly though, he has stopped eating like he used to and is having a really hard time getting around. The evening of the hardfork, I also found a lump on his chest. He is over ten years old and over 110 pounds (large dogs tend to have a shorter lifespan, if you weren't aware). There isn't much that can be done for him that wouldn't just result in a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering for potentially no or, at best, very little reward for him. I know what is coming, sooner or later, and saying that I am not happy about it is a severe understatement.

For now, I am just trying to keep him happy, spend time with him, feed him things that he likes, and make the rest of his life pleasant. Sometimes though, when he is lying in another room, I hear him gently crying to himself and I wonder how long keeping him happy is going to be possible. It breaks my fucking heart and I don't know what else can be said about it.


Needless to say, those situations, along with the Steemit trouble that we all have had, have left me feeling a little less motivated than usual but I am trying to keep working on my content as much as I can and I expect to get a few posts out this week.

I am not completely certain why I am sharing all of these things ( I'm don't even have a good excuse, like being drunk). This post was supposed to be a one paragraph content update sort of affair. I don't expect some outpouring of sympathy. I guess I needed to vent or just to state things that I have not been wanting to think about for a while; it's hard to tell which. I hope this isn't too out of character for my blog and that I didn't ruin the day of everyone who read this far. My apologies if this wasn't up to par with the rest of my work. I should be back to putting out my regular style of content tomorrow with the post that I was working on earlier about the "bad influence argument."


With the exception of the picture of my dog which I (obviously) own, all the images in this post are sourced from the free image website, unsplash.com.


Sorry about your dog, man. Forget the vet. When the time comes, mix a handful of painkillers into a burger pattie and cuddle him out. You couldn't have prevented his death, or given him a better life than the one he had.

Thanks. Yeah I am not a big fan of a lot of the vets. Plus I feel like it freaks the dogs out to go there.

Nothing would have changed the lumps that I found but that knee is really coming back to haunt him. He tore his acl and he had to have it fixed. He was fine for years but now that he is old it is giving him a lot of problems.

I would hardly say anything you post is under par. I understand how taxing and difficult it is to produce content on a regular basis, and you deliver in fine fashion, so don't be so hard on yourself. Given the life events that you've been going through, it's understandable that you are exhausted.

I can identify with your connection to your dog. You're probably an introvert if I had to guess, and you likely have a unique connection with animals. That being said, your dog can feel the love you have for him, and I am sure you are making him as comfortable as humanly possible.

I hope you are able to stay strong through this, and it doesn't incapacitate your creativity, but if you are away from Steemit for a while, or need to take time for yourself, we will understand friend.

Thanks for sharing with us, and stay strong!


"You're probably an introvert" haha a little bit. I'm not a complete shut in but I would usually rather hang out with the dogs, smoke weed, and watch good tv or bad movies than go out to the club or a house party.

I have been feeding him meat lately because he is still eating that. It is spoiling the other dog (the one in my profile pic) though because he gets some too lol. I help him stand up when he needs it and I spend time with him so that is about all anyone can do

I got unusually close to him when he was recovering from his knee surgery. He couldn't be allowed to walk for 8 weeks so the two choices were to put him in a crate which he hated or keep him on a leash next to me. I had to go to class for a couple of hours a day back then but other than that, I pretty spent that whole time with him within 5 feet of me. He also learned to watch tv in that period and now he actually pays attention to it and barks at the animals that he sees (even animated ones) lol.

I would usually rather hang out with the dogs, smoke weed, and watch good tv or bad movies than go out to the club or a house party.

As they say, "It takes one to know one" 🧐

I'm with you, that sounds like a better day than a party or club of any kind.

Nothing wrong with spoiling him with a little meat! He's lucky to have had a companion like you who's made obvious sacrifices for him throughout his life. It sounds to me, like a life that couldn't be happier for a dog.

Awww I'm sorry that you're going through all of this.

Your dog had a great life with you! I hope you'd be fine!

Thanks. I should be okay I have had dogs all of my life so this is something I have seen before but it is always depressing. I cooked him some hamburger meat and mixed it with his food and he seemed to eat that today so at least he has some appetite still.

so this is something I have seen before but it is always depressing.

I understand. Everything will be okay. Your dog is very lucky to have you!

I'm really sorry to hear about your dog, it's a very tough thing to see a pet go through a sickness. He looks pretty cozy on that couch though.

The U.S. has the highest dog population in the world.

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