Should we be ConCERNed?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

You may or  my not now have that the scientists at CERN increased the energy level of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) to dangerous new levels on the 21st December 2015. Before this was done a meeting was had with one scnetist walking out in protest believing that this could possibly create a "BLACK HOLE"....and if this did happen it could destroy our entire  planet.
This was what lead to new cries of to speculation that the world would end on that date - 21st December  2015?

Well we are still all here and so I guess no black hole appeared. Or as far as we know at least. Actually this date was just a hoax. 

BUT should we be conCERNed?

Well actually YES.
It is theoretically true that the experiments at CERN could indeed create a  black hole which could possibly destroy the earth and even our entire  galaxy.
The truth is no one actually knows what would happen if a black hole was created which is why scientists want to create one (although that is not their initial intention).
Only by pushing the boundaries of  this new technology can we find out more about how our universe was  created and how it functions. However, the creation of a black hole would probably not be a positive outcome considering it would have the power to suck into it everything in existence. 

The latest thinking, by the mad scientists at CERN, is that black holes "most likely will be created", however they "probably" only will be the size of of a pin head and will only last for a few nano seconds and then disappear.

Not sure if terms such as "probably" "most likely" gives me any comfort considering they are dealing with powers they do no really understand.

Just to remind everyone that when Oppenheimer and his team were to explode the first atomic bomb, they too had no idea f wohat would happen or the consequences. In fact one theory was that it might consume all the oxygen on the entire planet. And yet Oppenheimer and his team were willing to risk that, on our behalf, for the sake of science.

Scientists tell us that the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is safe, but honestly, how do we know for sure that the production of even the smallest of black holes, existing even for a faction of a second, could not, or are not, having some affect on the world. After all, black holds alter time and spice.

The last time the LHC was used was June 6th 2017. Well we are still here, but has anything changed I wonder?


Neil De Grasse told us on that super interesting TV Show on Nat Geo that we actually might be living in a black hole since no science has yet proven what is inside the black hole. I'm a pure noob on physics and other natural sciences so don't mind my incompetent opinion on this subject, it just seemed quite reasonable to me that black holes can't be empty coming from our human experience of space and 3D perception of things.

The truth is, no one knows for sure what black holes are - what is inside them is anyone´s guess, but we do know that they have the capacity to bend time and space.

The whole thing in Cern seems to me like a reversed tower of Babylon. However the outcome might be the same.

Yes good point, I totally agree with that observation. Cheers for that @johano

are you sure this information is actually true... you are rising concerns of huge magnitude.

I watched an interview with Dr Mantilll, this interview was actually banned by the main media and has since vanished from youtube. Mantill was found dead last year with his computer wiped. So yes I take the matter seriously. I may have down loaded the interview and am currently searching my files. If I find it I will upload it for sure.
Another scientist - Professor Otto E. Roessler is still protesting about this matter and every time you see him on interview you can see the guy is terrified of the consequences of this machine.
If you are really interested you can watch this interview with him -

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