in #life7 years ago



Sometimes a non-genius like myself can stumble upon a significant truth all on their own.
However, just because you are NOT A GENIUS, people not only do not believe you but laugh at you.
Especially those who consider themselves intellectually superior.

Three years ago this October, I was having a walk in the forest to take in the fresh autumn air. As I kicked some fallen leaves a thought suddenly popped into my mind;- the universe can not exist without a conscious self-aware "being" in existence to witness that the universe exists.  In short; The universe only exists because we are aware that it does.
I went over and over this thought but not could find any way around it.
So I sort out some people I know of whom I have a high respect for their intelligence. Some of them have a Phd, and some are studying for a Phd. I told them of my thoughts and asked for their opinion.
This is what I said;
Einstein said; "Nothing happens until something moves".
What I was saying was;
"Nothing happens unless a conscious-self-aware being is there to witness the happening"


IN fact nothing exists unless there is a witness to its existence.
I felt this was significant because for me it proved that free will is real.
For how can anything "move" unless we "choose" to make an action, right?
Thus everything begins with choice.
The free choice to either do something or to do nothing.
That then pointed to the idea that universe itself might have consciousness. Yes, I mean that the universe can "think".
For how can anything move unless a decision is made to make it move?
Crazy idea, right? 

As I said, I  spoke to these "intelligent" people, whom I considered far cleverer than I.  But you know what, they just sniggered and laughed at me like I was an idiot. I felt  this rather hurtful as well as distasteful.

However, I decided to ignore their intellectual snobbery and see if I could visualise my thoughts in a painting,
I also began writing a short story to show how this works in general daily life.
Here is the painting below - done 3 years ago. The story I am still working on, but I am on the last chapter.

Well low and behold, yesterday, by pure chance, I found out that I was right.

At the "Quantum Gravity Research Centre" in Los Angeles,  a group of the world´s most renowned quantum physicists have put their egos aside to work together to, once and for all, find out; "What is reality".  
I guess the reason they came together like this out of frustration because for the past 20 years the search for a unified theory of everything has basically come to a dead end.
Their conclusions, back-up by math - are astounding. So far they have come up with "7 principles" that form "reality". I will not go into all these but one in particular got my attention. No 4 Consciousness.
"The universe can not exist unless there is a conscious self-aware-entity in existence to bare witness that the universe exists".  BINGO!
It seems that the second line of my thinking was also correct.
That this must also mean that the universe itself has consciousness.
Therefore free-will is real.
So I say again; BINGO!
Put simply; Everything exists because we are self-aware creatures that bare witness to its existence. If we were not self-aware, we could not bare witness to its existence and so nothing exists. If the universe itself is also conscious/self-aware, then in effect, we exist because it bares witness to our existence too.
It is a kind of a paradox.
The inverse exists because we witness it and we exist because the universe witnesses us.
It is a never ending circle of making choices and witnessing what happens from those choices.
This is how the universe and us evolve together.


Some reading this might already know about this latest 7 principles theory of reality because they have read about it or seen it in a documentary somewhere.
My point is that I did not know. I came to this way of thinking all on my own. Little old non-genius me.

One last thing, this theory suggests that, everyone who exists is of equal and vital importance in order to sustain the existence of the universe itself. For we are all vital witnesses to it. Get it?  


Therefore; no one is above and no one is below another.
How will the intellectual snobs deal with that one?  
So never let anyone tell you that your thoughts/ideas or opinions are not as valuable or as important as anyone else´s.
Who is to say little old you will might not stumble upon the meaning of life? For we are all part of a gigantic conscious brain all connected to everyone and everything.

What I write is merely my own thoughts from my own life experience and existence.
I Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and a warm welcome back to you next time.


Arthur, always a delight to read your writing. And because you don't consider yourself an intellectual doesn't mean your not a genius. Theres a type of genuis genuis simple because they are vastly intelligent in diverse areas. Like say someone was great at painting yet also could tell a story with ease and engage with an audience in both pretenses that the user recognized a distinct pattern and style from both having only brief former knowledge of the author/paintist. This makes that person a genuis because they can be socially recognizable without ever coming into physical contact with another. The true genuis! That's what I refer to it as. Think van Gogh, they are.learning his paintings have hidden scientific concepts just now being discovered. He saw it, his brain broke down that pattern systematically, correctly he used his skill to portray what he felt others would laugh at him for saying out loud. That the universe is exactly as you put it, alive.
I was part of the intellectual group have just come to realize that many artist, poets, and writers are selling themselves short because they fear failure or rejection from this scientific, elite world the Phds have established. PhD means you have a vaste knowledge ina topic a specialized narrowed down subject that you know a great deal of information about. I was a cardiac specialist, I knew the heart like the back of my hand, the drugs, the interventions, the patients, how they would progress over time, etc. Yet I didn't possess knowledge, real knowledge until I became disabled. And learned there are people who have no educational background yet possess these raw skills that are more fine tuned than anything I was ever taught in class.

Hey thank you so much for this. Your wise words did much healing for me after the ridicule I experienced. Good to know there are humble people out there. As for myself I love listening to the thoughts and ideas of anyone no matter what class or educational background they have.
Interesting you mention Van Gogh, he was the first artist I fell in love with when I was a t art college. He is a classic example of what this new knowledge means. All of us are as vital as each other and we are all part of and reflecting a collective consciousness. Truth and meaning can come out in anyone of us at anything. In that sense, the way I see it anyway, we are all geniuses.
Thanks again @kristy0

I tend to gravitate a lot toward van Gogh because he was schizophrenic. I tend to think he had rather a bad case given details of his paintings. To hear voices is truly a miserable experience but the visual hallucinations...sometimes the world can be so beautiful. I mean truly beautiful, Arthur, that you believe Jesus has came back and it's the second coming. I thought that one day, because of the just beauty I found in the outside world. I don't know if a painting could capture it but it's like the universe and everything is working perfectly together on a fined tuned system that the leaves.and flowers and air are equal important to humans. They come alive like the world it just glows and flows. And it's amazing. You see things you never noticed and flowers blooming before your eyes and the wind it talks to you in a calm voice and you just know that life is so much more than money, than materials, that we are meant to be one with our world.
For a long time I believed I could open other's eyes to see what I see but I think people catch glimpses of it. I think you catch it briefly at times and can paint it accurately.
On another note in of my schizophrenic phases I thought I solved the riddle to life. That.the universe would come down to one verse that Einstein whispered it on his deathbed, that the person who figured it out would be a nurse. That Einstein's energy disappeares from the atomic bomb slowly over time yet had reached a zero point and was manifesting itself through me. That verse would be by Emerson the name of a baby I lost, that it would have a 3 and a 9 in it so I googled Emerson 39 and came across humble-bee. I followed that delusions and pattern for a few weeks to get all the pieces strung together over time because the patterns my brain sees click but not fast like in the movies it's a slow tedious process that leads me to a conclusion. And has me believing things like I am Einstein reincarnated energy and that I have special powers to decipher life riddles which I do not. That said, I had never read Emerson's works or heard that he labeled them by number I just knew from the patterns and code I saw that the theory of life would come through his name it would be a single verse and it would contain the numbers 3 and 9 somewhere. The last line of the poem talks about how bumble bees have life figured out and they do. I was shocked to see that that delusions really worked out in favor for me that day. I haven't told anyone else of the universe one verse to Einstein to nursing to baby lost to Emerson to 3 then 9 to solving the existence of life theory because I was afraid they would laugh about how I got there it was a long process that couldn't be replicates by science. Science isn't all knowing if they could replicate the universe they would have tried it by now.

Wonderful and beautiful thoughts kristy. Interesting about the number 9. These quantum physicists are saying that the math says there are 9 dimensions and we are a 3 dimensional reflection of this dimension. And that we truly are all connected to each other and everything. These scientists believe the world is changing and for the better. That we as a race will move on, and are moving on albeit slowly...towards a world where the pursuit of money and material thing ill be a thing of the past. I long for that world.

I consider the idea of a universal Consciousness or mind of the nature etc to be misconceptions/misinterpretations. So far technological development has given the best examples/anecdotes/allegories to explain reality. I tend to think of this mind/Consciousness/nature of universe as a smart contract.

Also the best way to describe reality IMHO is to call it a dictionary. Each word derives the meaning from a set of other words which derive their meanings from other sets of infinitum.

Also some valuable read:

I'd like to know what you guys think about it.

Actually, what you are talking about here is No1 on the 7 principles of reality that these quantum physicists have come up with.
No1; Information; Everything is information and meaning is what a symbol stands for, either by itself, such as a cube. A cube is a cube and stands for itself.
A circle is a circle and stands for itself. Meaning can also be what we ourselves give meaning. Like a heart shape for example. This shape is not in nature, we designed it, and gave meaning to it. This is where consciousness comes in.

A circle or a cube has a definition which are defined by other definitions. Here is a quote I deeply resonate with.:

My complete answer to the late 19th century question
‘‘what is electrodynamics trying to tell us’’ would simply be
Fields in empty space have physical reality; the
medium that supports them does not.

Having thus removed the mystery from electrodynamics, let
me immediately do the same for quantum mechanics:

Correlations have physical reality; that which
they correlate does not.
The first proposition probably sounded as bizarre to most late
19th century physicists as the second sounds to us today; I
expect that the second will sound as boringly obvious to late
21st century physicists as the first sounds to us today.
And that’s all there is to it. The rest is commentary.

The most important part is "Correlations have physical reality; that which
they correlate does not." This is why I said that the reality is like a dictionary. No words exist; just the relationships.

This line of thinking is further elaborated in the Diamond Sutra and Heart Sutra. It can be difficult to wrap your head around. But please give it a read.

About shape not being in the nature and being a conscious design: I think of it more as perceptions given labels by the mind. It's naming constellations. It's more of a labeling our perceptions IMHO.

Thanks for the info. I will give the diamond-sutra a read. I am all for expanding my knowledge and understanding where ever that may come from. I seek answers and truth that is my motivation. Cheers!

Glad to help. Here is one of the greatest QM presentations I've seen. The speaker is actually an AI and robotics researcher at the NASA who had also worked in Google.

Another wonderful and very detailed stuff for us. Greatest job @arthuradamson. I'm unable to find appropriate words to give you some respect, which you deserve. I'm blessed having you in my life. Stay blessed!

Well explained @arthuradamson. In a way all of our existence in this dimension is a paradox. We may be only travelers through the dimensions…

Thank you. Yes I agree, it is a paradox for sure but an amazing one. I like the idea of us being on a never ending journey through different dimensions. Apparently these physicists say that the math says there are 9 dimensions.
6 more to go then. Count me in.

Yours appreciate so nice.


Thanks to provide Great New and Useful Information

I think arguements like this are really just symantical word games...if human consciencous is needed for extistence...does that mean the earth didn't "exist" until humans came into existence...and the expression if a tree falls in forest and no one hears it...did it happen?...well to take one step further...if no one is looking at the tree...does it even exist?

Im afraid the latest math proves this to be true. As crazy as it sounds, the world´s best quantum physicists all agree. And as we know, it is very rare for any scientist to agree on anything. For them math is truth and this is what the math says. There is no way a round it. Nothing exists unless a conscious being is there to bare witness to its existence. It is a paradox that the math says is true.
In order to fully understand this, we must take into consideration that we live in a 3 dimensional world. However "total reality" has 8 dimensions. Therefore we are bound by 3 dimensional thinking. Just as a two dimensional creature could have no idea (ever) to understand what is like in our 3 dimensional world, we can not possibly understand a 4 dimensional world, never mind an 8 dimensional one. This is why math is so important. Math can visualise such realities in number form something that is impossible to recreate in our 3 dimensional world.
A way to get your head around this is to hold a wine glass in the sun so that it creates a shadow on the ground. The shadow it creates is a 2 dimensional version of the 3 dimensional glass,right? Now imagine you could not see the glass but only the shadow of the glass. From that information we could reconstruct the glass in 3 dimensions. In the same way as this, quantum scientists treat 3 dimensional objects as being a shadow of a 4d object. Fro this information they then recreate what the 4d object looks like (in math form).
All they do is repeat this process until the math says you can not go further.
In this case 8 dimensions. We either trust the math or not. It is our choice. brain hurts!

I guess all I can say is...if no one is looking at the math...then I guess it doesn't exist stuff...

Ha ha ha good one! But actually you are exactly right ha ha ha.
I am thinking of doing a post trying to simplify the 7 principles of reality. According to these physicists, once every understands them, it will change the world forever, and for the better. The problem for these scientists is that it is not easy for them to do that. They need other to find way to do that for them.
Thanks for the feedback. Always appreciated and a pleasure my good fellow.

Enjoy greatly your thought provoking posts.

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