What Can I Do About Being Tired Of Hearing Society?

in #life3 years ago

What is it with the society we have and how does it affect us getting tired of hearing society. Well, let us first realize that when you talk to people you are making yourself open up to get information from them, they are also doing the same thing. So really, we need both the media and society to pull together and not push each other around. It makes sense that if they work harder at pushing each other around, why don't they work harder to pull each other up.

But what if the people in our society do not listen? What if people do not want to hear what we have to say? If that is the case then how can any of us expect to change anything? It all makes sense when you think about it all goes back to the original sin of society. That sin is pushing people down and having them not hear what we are saying or doing.

I think back to all the stories I hear from time to time about people being burned on oil rigs and having their boats shot out of the water because someone was too impatient and did not want to wait for the professionals to arrive to take care of the problem. This happens all the time and most times it gets so bad that hundreds of people have to be taken to a hospital and many are rendered unconscious as a result of being burned. What sort of message does that send across the globe? Do the rich and famous care about these poor souls who get burnt? Obviously not, all they seem to care about is who gets to listen to their boring, ignorant, obsolete thoughts?

So what does this have to do with society and why am I getting tired of hearing society? Well, I think one reason is that people cannot hear what we are saying and do not care and this is why things go wrong. Society needs to wake up and start to listen to the next generation of entrepreneurs and do something about the planet we live on and stop being so quick to judge those who are different from ourselves. We must learn to have patience and learn to be respectful of others ideas. Those who are willing to step forward are going to make great changes in our world and improve it in leaps and bounds and eventually we will have people back on earth who are willing to help us help others.

The other reason is that some people just say what they think people want to hear and think what they want to say and we let them pass us by because they sound like them and they say things we agree with and like. Unfortunately some people are very talented but unfortunately they do not have the intelligence to express themselves in an interesting way and this is what makes them ineffective and even harmful. This also goes for those who are extremely knowledgeable but due to time constraints or because they are very busy they do not spend enough time developing their talents or learning from those more knowledgeable than they are. I guess time is the biggest problem here.

So many people think they know what's best, but they haven't taken the time to figure out what isn't working and what's right. Sometimes this is due to lack of knowledge but more often than not it's lack of focus. Too often some of the most talented and intelligent people end up in the lowest rungs of society due to lack of focus and being unable to find the creative flow that's needed to see things from a unique perspective. The first step is to simply take the time to figure out what you don't like about society and then find ways to improve upon it. This is done by spending time researching current events, listening to other cultures and spending time in quiet environments away from the media.

The second step to getting tired of hearing society is to figure out how to bring about change. There are many ways to get this done and some of these methods are more effective than others. For instance, if you are someone who can write well you may want to look into getting your work published as many people will be looking for unique writers and will be willing to pay for your work. The same holds true for individuals who can speak fluently on a variety of topics.

The last step to getting tired of hearing society is to take the necessary actions. This requires getting out and doing stuff. Getting out and doing things doesn't mean spending time in your basement however it does mean having a few conversations with others. Most people don't like to do this so they simply stay indoors and never go out unless they have to. Spending time in nature and talking to people can improve a person's mood and can even help them relax, which in turn helps them to hear better.


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