Become Aware of Negative Thoughts and Refuse to Perpetrate Them

in #life3 years ago

If you want to become aware of negative thoughts and refuse to succumb to them, you must be willing to constantly monitor your thoughts. This will require that you learn to become conscious of your thinking, and to analyze them. There are times when we think a certain way because we are comfortable with the way that we are thinking at the moment. When we change the way that we are thinking, we can alter the outcome of our lives.

Sometimes our minds are preoccupied with so many negative aspects that it becomes very difficult for us to focus on a single thing. Therefore, it becomes necessary for us to become more aware of our thoughts and actively try to put a stop to them. If we are not careful, the only thing that we will notice is that we are becoming more negative with each thought that we have. So how do we keep our minds calm and serene?

Well, one way is by consistently thinking of positive thoughts. Many people often complain that they have a mind filled with negative thoughts. However, this is because they are not aware of the thoughts that they have, and they remain unaware of which thoughts are good and which are bad. So, if you want to stay calm, you should consider trying to make positive thoughts a regular habit.

Some people, though, are not quite aware of the habit that they are engaging in. Therefore, they are not able to maintain a positive thoughts and can easily fall into negative emotions. However, there are people who actually develop a habit of positive thoughts. Some people have a way of visualizing all the time, and they get into a state of constant positive thinking.

This may sound complicated, but it is really not that difficult. You just have to practice by making positive thoughts as a habit. One way is through visualization. For instance, if you think of a beautiful scene, try to recreate it in your mind's eye. This may sound very strange, but a lot of us unconsciously imagine beautiful scenes whenever we are thinking about something that we like, such as a sunset or a wonderful place.

When we regularly imagine ourselves in those settings, we soon start feeling happy in our hearts and our mind becomes peaceful. Practicing positive images can be done by simply imaging pleasant thoughts constantly in your head. Imagine yourself playing tennis, watching the sunrise, riding a nice horse, having a relaxing massage, walking through the park, having a chat with a friend, laughing with your partner, etc. Do this a few times and you will soon find that you are in the right frame of mind for having a positive thought and it becomes a regular habit.

Of course, when you want to train your mind to focus on positive thoughts, you have to force yourself to do so, because otherwise, you will not be able to keep up with the habit. But again, this is not that difficult. Simply repeat the affirmation above and try to imagine that you are experiencing the same situation that you would feel when you are having a positive thought, and soon you will find that your mind becomes very relaxed and peaceful, as well.

Finally, there is another technique that can help you train your conscious mind to resist negative thoughts. It involves using all the senses as well as the subconscious mind. Try to visualize a warm, relaxing candle while you are reading a book, listening to music, dancing, swimming, etc. When you look into a candle, you experience what it feels like to be enveloped by its warmth, while if you look at a song, you experience the melody in your mind.

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