in #life6 years ago (edited)


Language is a key to your reality. Could you believe that?

Now, the word abracadabra is commonly understood and used as an incantation by magicians. Typically, it lives in movies and magician performances on stages, pronounced before a white-gloved man reveals a bunny under the red cloth. We're all magicians, only with a much more powerful tool at hand, the magic wand - language.

The history of abracadabra has outlived centuries. It has been speculated that the word even predates the time of the legend of building the Tower of Babel. It is thought to be the most universally accepted phrase understood across languages, having been adopted in other languages without translation, in Latvian as well. There are many hypotheses about the origins of this word, and many interpretations on the meaning in different languages. I want to mention one of them, as it complements my philosophy about the power of language.

Avrah KaDabra in Aramaic means I will create as I speak. Aramaic is the original language of the Old Testament. It is said to be one of the two languages the Jesus spoke in. In Medieval Times it was used as a spell to ward off illnesses. They believed that the word diminishes the power of the illness. So the word itself must have some power.

There is more to the language than grammar, grammatical functions, or spelling. Words are powerful, even magical. First of all, words create the way we think. We think in concepts, and words are very much attached to that. Each word has a connotation, which determines attitude towards the concept. Connotation is the feeling a word evokes, phonetically, lexically, and emotionally. When we think, we already think in words, attributing different words to different concepts. You think of something, and through your mind comes all the words related to it. Valentine's day is in a month. I'm thinking of… cheap balloons, red roses, clashing red and pink colours, and a lot of sad and whiny single people, so there's some kind of sadness to it, too. Thinking creates already a story about it. Our attitude to it. The thoughts we hear in our minds, and the words we speak to other people add up in emotional web of related concepts. Words create our personal stories. Eventually, these stories shape and create our realities. Words to stories, stories to realities. This is the power of language.

Think about the time you were sad for quite a long time. Unnecessarily long. You just refused to get out of bed, woke up already in despair, listened to sad music only, watched the days go by like you watch objects passing by in a moving train. What stories were you telling yourself and others? Did you tell yourself stories of you happy? Or did you tell your closest friend you were depressed/ overworked/ apathetic/ broken-hearted/ simply tired? Compare that to a day when you felt the happiest and luckiest person?

Here's the truth. We all know that sharing a problem to someone is relieving, but if you sulk and get used to the pleasant sadness, you have told that you're sad to everyone, and you've told that to yourself a hundred times more. So you start believing in your own thoughts, and the thoughts become your reality. Your imagination has led you to your sadness. Your will to ever continue thinking and telling the sad story of you being sad. It doesn't lead you anywhere. Saying that, even makes it worse. And people seem to know that. They are simply clinging to their sad story, and it goes on, as they continue to think they're sad and a failure.

The important useful part

Language creates reality. Out of language we create text, and out of text, reality. Our language dances with our imagination, and words are powerful enough to make that a reality. Language creates an incredible range of emotions and feelings, which quite often make the difference between someone loving their life and sabotaging it. Look out even for minor slips. Watch what you say! Because it might come true. If you say “I don't want to fail in my presentation”, you're already including the word 'to fail', which is the content word, part of predicate - the most important part of a sentence, that constitutes the whole sense and ties the phrase together. If you convince yourself then of the opposite of your fear, you can succeed in your presentation, but if you said it without even meaning it, kind of impulsively, think about why do you subconsciously sabotage your reality?

The content words are best received and perceived, they stick to your subconscious more. If you want to think in such terms: you cannot google 'no cucumber pictures' if you don't want to see them, because you would find a hell lot of cucumber pictures.

The content words are thus best received and sent like a message to the Universe, and yourself - the creator and controller of your own life. Everything in Universe has energy. Thoughts, words, especially the ones who are spoken. Because it is the vibration of your vocal cords that come along with the process of saying a word. Each spoken word has a sound to it and a meaning - so double power there. According to theoretical phonetics of a language, content words are stressed, so you say content words more pronounced, with more power. So in our example phrase you say the word 'FAIL' with as much power than 'PRESENTATION'. Everything you say is like a function message to your reality. How about you say "I'm going to be great at my presentation!", "I am a lucky person", "I'm happy", "I'm in love"..?
Abracadabra! With these words, you create.


In another post, I'll continue with how these affirmations can positively influence your life. I have my personal story.

Take care!


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Love this! I do really resonant with the idea that words hold vibrations that can create and form our reality. Although something has form when it is a thought, there is more density to it when it goes from thought to writing because now it also exists in a physical form. There is so much power in being able to observe and control the thoughts you have to create the reality you wish to experience!

Glad that you read it, I thought it might be interesting to you. :) And yes, absolutely, there is so much power in controlling what you think and what you say, but too many people don't even realize it. Probably, people simply take language for granted. And with that, they take themselves for granted. People are amazing in their mental​ capacities, and yet so much of that still remains unexplored.

I think we often let our thoughts take control of us and don't realise that we can have power over them. Being consciously mindful can be a difficult practice that most people don't participate in because we live in a world with so much stimulation. But I agree, without having that awareness we take away so much of our individual power. Humans are amazing and we should utilities our to abilities to explore and play and create!

Yes! Me, too. I did not realize​ it some time ago ​until I started to meditate​. A lovely phrase I heard: 'You are more than your thoughts'. We are above our thoughts.

I totally agree! 💜

So so true! I always am amazed at how off track my life seems to get when my words and thought patterns aren't in alignment with my life goals. Thanks for sharing and spreading this message! Just gave you a follow and look forward to seeing more content from you soon.

So happy to hear from such people like you, who, too, realize the importance of thought and language, and take interest in that! :) Followed you, too!

Reality is made of words. And when you hack the brain's kernel you can control the reality of said brain. This is why we always hear new words from the media being thrown out, also the meaning and connotation of words are forcefully changed via mass media bombardment and other methods. When we are aware that language is the operating system of our biological computer (brain) then we could have a better grasp about life itself, and start recovering our minds. Good read. Will reblog.

I absolutely agree!
For so long, people have been debating over where is the center of all power and energy in the world. The core of the matrix, the ultimate rabbit hole of this simulation etc. In some leading religions, the God is the center​.
I think - you are the center, you are a God. All the answers and secrets to a better reality are inside you. Some power of it requires deeper focus to reveal it, some power is open for use to everyone - thoughts and language.

You're right, the ​language of mass media is especially manipulative, it influences each individual's reality. The more individual realities are affected by the language around us, the more it happens​. War happens. The more media talks about it, the more it happens. To some, this idea might sound ludicrous.

I truly appreciate your understanding this! Thanks!

Reading your answer is like hearing myself thinking! 100% resonant with this

Wow, that's amazing! :)
By the way, you have beautiful photography! Let's keep in touch! :)

Thanks very much, this is so very nice to hear :) yes I'm already following you. Cheers!

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