Welcome to Holy Month of Ramadan, A Blessed Month And Forgiveness

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,..
For Muslims In the world, in the next few days we will come the holy month of Ramadan filled with blessings and forgiveness from Allah SWT.

Camera FujiFlm X-A1 Photos By @armiden

The holy month of Ramadan is only a few days away to fulfill the obligation to fast for the Muslims who have faith in God Almighty Allah, in the month of Ramadan all worship will also get a lot of reward.

In the holy month of Ramadhan, many worship circumcision that we can do such as tarawih prayer, tadarus read alquran, charity and others.

Worshiping in the month of Ramadan is very much a reward, let alone we worship in the night lailatul qadar, as we know when we get night lailatul qadar then the reward that we get as has worship for a thousand months

Ayo mulai sekarang sebelum datangnya bulan ramadhan mari kita untuk saling memaafkan dan mempersiapkan kesehatan lahir dan bathin agar nantinya kita beribadah dengan sempurna dan mudah-mudahan kita semua akan bertambah taqwa kepada Allah Swt, Amiin.

Let's start now before the coming of Ramadan let's to forgive each other and prepare the health of the born and inner so that we will worship perfectly and hopefully we will all increase taqwa to Allah SWT, Amiin.

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