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RE: What is Happiness?

in #life7 years ago

I saw that you have looked at my post if money is able to help you buy happiness so you probably know my stand point on this.

I agree that it is like breathing... there is only so much money you can have to satisfy you and there have been studies where happiness starts to dimish of flatline when people reach a certain amount of money.

I think that for acquiring happiness money is good at stimulating this for when you need essentials as well as give you temporary short lived happiness such as going on a holiday.

To be happy it think requires a state of no anxiety and removal of worry which the ultimate happiness as is required to achieve ultimate happiness. Rather than looking towards materialistic things to better ourselves look to be more self-sacrificing and meek and I think this definitely will help to build relationships.

Finally, Emerald Bay is so beautiful. It is amazing just staring at it and looking at that serene blue translucent water @surfyogi! :)


Great comment. yes, Emerald Bay does make me happy, especially this shot of it, from far above on the mountain, above the hyway, a view most will never see..

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