A story inspired by real events; Christmas was born.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Hello steemians, this story is based on an anecdote that happened to my uncle, and in December I couldn't publish it, because I still wanted to give some special touches to the writing, and well the time has come for me to give birth to this short story, taking advantage of that yesterday was the day of kings.. Always in my blog, I emphasize the fact that life works in a different way, and it is the beauty of it, and with this story I understood many things, from the infinite goodness of the human being, through the hope that we never lose, and especially Venezuelanness that despite the situation in which we live, we never lower our arms and we are always there silent waiting for a miracle. Enjoy yourselves.

Christmas was born today...

A 20 December in Venezuela can be as cold as any Nordic country: cold because of the harsh social decomposition that has been brewing and has reached extreme levels not only of poverty but also of ill health, hunger, terrible education and above all a social apathy that turns "the revolution of the 21st century" into a real piranha well where we all rush to devour the leftovers of the round businesses of the "plug-ins" either called CLAP, or any other "social mission".

My mechanical dad, my mom "bachaquera" a new occupation created by a desperate economic situation to be able to solve the need for a moment call it food or medicine. Today a "normal" day in the "preparations" not only of the good night but of my birth (41 weeks in my mother's womb) that could never be planned in a country where improvising is your best survival tool.

Dr. Pedro was damaged by the electro-fan of his car, a white 2002 Yaris,"clogged" by the many positive anecdotes he has brought to his owner (says those who know him) or should better say blessed because my father is a newly converted Christian and that in these days the very Holy Spirit manifested himself to us in an extraordinary way as you can already see. It turns out that my father by revelation of the spirit decided to help Dr. Pedro in his need because at that time he did not have cash to pay for the repair that was happening to him. I can see in you that you are a Christian man and don't worry about money the important thing is that you solve it, pay me when you can. A sincere spirit-guided intention reveals to us that in the spiritual world money is the least important thing, the threads of love of our creator tend to weave relationships that bring us more than money can buy: I checked the car and it was the ignition valve of the electro-fan and my dad suggested bridging it to solve it while I found the replacement; it happened that when they went to look for the tools I had in a parking lot of trucks and buses where my dad worked occasionally as a mechanic, they met Armando: I also owned the parking lot and owned several trucks, of which my dad wanted to be a driver for one of them, in order to have a fixed income: but he lacked the medical certificate of 5th grade. It was almost impossible for my father to obtain it because in the bureaucracy in which he lived, he was asked for up to Bs. 15,000 to manage it and the priorities these days are only for food.

Armando heard about Dr. Pedro's valve and told him if he wants to save himself this money, I know a way to repair it: see that these valves are made of mercury inside and when you use this mercury, it separates and isolates itself: what you have to do is heat it with a torch: the mercury melts, compacting itself inside and the valve looks like new. Ready: my dad took out the valve, Armando repaired it and Dr. Pedro asked him:"How much do I owe you?Nothing Doctor, you have won a friend: what I ask you to do is to help José (my father) is a good man and he is in great need. Speaking to him, Dr. Pedro told him that he could get the medical certificate free of charge and made an appointment for the next day to pick up his pass to take it out and be able to have the longed-for job as a chauffeur.

Many times the valve of faith in our interior is damaged, because with the use of doubt the doubt gets inside and isolates our relationship with our creator and it is necessary that someone warm us in our interior (with prayer and good deeds) and allows that mercury of faith to melt and compact leaving the piece as new so that when any adversity is presented to us our prayer fan is activated and we can pass with freshness that difficult moment that in any other way is not to be activated our prayer fan and we can pass with freshness that difficult moment.

Dr. Pedro Christian also received from relatives abroad two toys to be given to two children with AIDS in the care station where he works: one of them could not be delivered because the child never showed up and felt the Lord give it to my father: you have children, Dr. Pedro asks. If two: one of three and one of two, ah and I was about to come.... Here you are for your eldest son, pulling out of the trunk of the car: a captain Velvet hook wrapped and everything for your son at Christmas. Thank you Doctor! the baby Jesus for my son: we had nothing for him: at that moment my father praised the Lord Jesus for his infinite mercy. How much is it for the repair I keep asking Dad, For You Doctor there are fifteen thousand bolívares but you pay me when I can You have my cell phone number...

Let's do something Dr. Pedro said we go to the Supermarket and buy some food for your house and I pay with the card: do you think? Seriously, would you do that for me, Dad asked. And again he began to praise God out loud saying that they didn't have anything for Christmas supper... they went to the market and Peter started putting things in the cart: but... Dad said that in more than I told him.... Don't worry the Lord provides... and with a market with much more than fifteen thousand bolívares they went to look for my mother who was in line to buy wheat flour: the ruble that was scarce at the time and everyone was looking for it. When I left the supermarket my dad pointed out to Dr."Look doctor! That's my neighbor: in the supermarket dumpster: a man in his fifties digging through the garbage looking for something to eat... I couldn't believe it because his appearance was not beggar. This is the country in which I was born: full of great need, with much apathy towards the people who make the majority. As my father praised God I also praised him: at least he gave me loving and knowledgeable parents of the Lord Jesus... that afternoon I would kick my mother a lot of joy because even I was not born. When they came looking for us, my happy dad shared what the Lord had given them and to do the full favor of the doctor. Peter offered to give us the queue to our house; on the way my mother gave him one of the wheat flour that he had bought to make pancakes for his children and at the same time he told him how hard it was to enter any welfare post to give birth: the most economical thing is that they ask for a suture equipment that costs about Bs. 230.000,00 imagine we do not fear anything kept....

The next day my father's trail was lost, leaving everyone on fire without knowing where Dad was: killing a tigrito (walking), the truth is that he couldn't find the pass for the certificate until the other day... when Dad called Dr. Pedro to tell him that he was on his way to find the pass for the certificate and explain that my mother Maria had broken the fountain in the buseta where we came and didn't know what to do. Dr. Pedro, a high-ranking Corpo-salud official, was able to find an assistance post that would take care of us without much paperwork: so we arrived at the Turmero central ambulatory where we received first-rate care and while I was coming to the world my father was going to collect his medical certificate to ensure his work as a driver with Mr. Pedro. Armando, since it was the last day of Dr. Pedro's work, was in the city since he was going on vacation for the decembrina season.

A generous heart brings abundance to whoever possesses it, for to give abundantly we must receive abundantly; we are not owners of anything but stewards and in God's economy we must give what we have with thanksgiving, then the doors of heaven open to receive what we certainly do not expect... like the scarce flour and oil that was given by the widow to the prophet Elijah and multiplied a hundred times, the flour of wheat that my mother gave me.

So I came, so Christmas came... with a loaf of blessings under my arm. Grateful, joyful and with a humble family and in a country that with the help of my creator began to change for the better where we help each other and our faith comes not from what we have but from who we have believed.

Original story created by; Luis Troconis/@arcabuzx

The images were taken from unsplash.com

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